What does the name Lech mean? What is the meaning of the name Lech
Meaning of Lech: Name Lech in the Slavic, Polish origin, means From the name of Slavic tribe Lendians. Name Lech is of Slavic, Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lech are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lech (Namesakes)
- Piotr Lech
Piotr Lech (born 18 June 1968 in Kętrzyn) is a Polish goalkeeper who plays for LZS Piotrówka.
- Jon Lech Johansen
Jon Lech Johansen (born November 18, 1983 in Harstad, Norway), also known as DVD Jon, is a Norwegian programmer who has worked on reverse engineering data formats.
- Lech Janerka
Lech Andrzej Janerka (born 2 May 1953 in Wrocław, Poland) is a Polish songwriter, vocalist, and bassist.
- Georges Lech
Georges Lech (born 2 June 1945) is a French retired football player.
- Lech Piasecki
Lech Piasecki (born 13 November 1961) is a Polish former racing cyclist.
- Lech Łasko
Lech Łasko (born 2 June 1956) is a former Polish volleyball player, a member of Poland men's national volleyball team in 1975–1984, Olympic Champion 1976, silver medalist of the European Championship (1975, 1979, 1981, 1983).
- Lech Wałęsa
Lech Wałęsa (Polish: [ˈlɛɣ vaˈwɛ̃sa] (listen); born 29 September 1943) is a Polish statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the first democratically-elected President of Poland from 1990 to 1995.
- Grzegorz Lech
Grzegorz Lech (born 10 January 1983 in Kętrzyn) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Stomil Olsztyn.
- Lech Koziejowski
Lech Koziejowski (born 3 April 1949) is a Polish fencer.
- Joanna Lech
Joanna Lech (born 25 January 1984, in Rzeszów, Poland) – a Polish poet and writer.
- Beate S. Lech
Beate Slettevoll Lech (born 10 April 1974 in Volda, Møre og Romsdal, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz singer, composer and lyricist in modern jazz and related music, raised in Øvre Årdal, Sogn og Fjordane.
- Kamil Lech
Kamil Lech (born 15 September 1994) is a Polish footballer who plays for Ruch Chorzów.
- Lech Gajdziński
Lech Gajdziński (born 25 September 1946) is a Polish athlete.
- Marcelina Lech
Marcelina Lech (born 20 November 1996 in Warszawa, Poland) – was a figure skater who represented Poland in ladies single skate as a young girl and then turned to pair skating, where she skated for Poland with Jakub Tyc and for Spain with Aritz Maestu .
- Wiesława Lech
Wiesława Lech (born 20 October 1946) is a Polish gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Lech Numerology: Name Lech has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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