What does the name Laxmi mean? What is the meaning of the name Laxmi
Meaning of Laxmi: Name Laxmi in the Sanskrit origin, means A Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, wife of Lord Vishnu. Someone who brings luck and prosperity. Name Laxmi is of Sanskrit origin and is a Girl name. People with name Laxmi are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Laxmi (Namesakes)
- Laxmi Ratan Shukla
Laxmi Ratan Shukla pronunciation (Bengali: লক্ষ্মী রতন শুক্লা) (born 6 May 1981), is a former Indian cricketer and politician.
- Raai Laxmi
Lakshmi Rai (born on 5 May 1989), professionally credited as Raai Laxmi is an Indian film actress and model born in Bangalore who predominantly appears in Tamil and Malayalam as well as Telugu and Kannada films.
- Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah
- Laxmi Narayan Yadav
Laxmi Narayan Yadav is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and has won the 2014 Indian general elections from the Sagar (Lok Sabha constituency).
- Laxmi Agarwal
Laxmi Agarwal (born 1 June 1990) is an Indian acid attack survivor, a campaigner for rights of acid attack victims, and a TV host.
Agarwal was attacked in 2005 at the age of 16, after rebuffing the romantic advances of Naeem Khan.
- Laxmi Meher
Laxmi Meher (born 6 July 1967) is an Indian artist cum social Activist.
- Ghafran
- Laxmi Gautam
Laxmi Gautam (Hindi: लक्ष्मी गौतम) is an Indian politician and was a member of the 16th Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh of India.
- Neelam Setti Laxmi
Neelam Setti Laxmi (born (1973-03-05)5 March 1973) is an Indian female weightlifter, competing in the 69 kg category and representing India at international competitions.
- Chaudhary Laxmi Narayan Singh
Chaudhary Laxmi Narayan Singh is an Indian politician and member of 9th, 13th, 15th and 17th Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh.
- Laxmi Kanta Das
Laxmi Kanta Das (born 1 July 1938) is an Indian weightlifter.
- Ghaalib
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Laxmi Numerology: Name Laxmi has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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