What does the name Lawson mean? What is the meaning of the name Lawson?
Meaning of Lawson: Name Lawson in the Latin, English origin, means Son of Lawrence, A Son of the Honored and Famous. Name Lawson is of Latin, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lawson are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lawson (Namesakes)
- Nigel Lawson
Nigel Lawson, Baron Lawson of Blaby, (born 11 March 1932) is a British Conservative politician and journalist.
- Nigella Lawson
Nigella Lucy Lawson (born 6 January 1960) is an English food writer, chef and cooking show host.
- Maggie Lawson
Margaret Cassidy Lawson (born August 12, 1980) is an American actress who is best known for her role as Detective Juliet "Jules" O'Hara in the TV show Psych.
- Bianca Lawson
Bianca Jasmine Lawson (born March 20, 1979) is an American actress.
- Denis Lawson
Denis Stamper Lawson (born 27 September 1947) is a Scottish actor and director.
- Eddie Lawson
Eddie Lawson (born (1958-03-11)March 11, 1958) is an American former four-time Grand Prix motorcycle racing World Champion.
- Dominic Lawson
Dominic Ralph Campden Lawson (born 17 December 1956 in Wandsworth, London) is an English journalist.
- Kara Lawson
Kara Marie Lawson (born February 14, 1981) is an assistant coach for the Boston Celtics of the NBA. She is a former American professional women's basketball player in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) and a basketball television analyst for ESPN and the Washington Wizards.
- Leigh Lawson
Allan Leigh Lawson (born 21 July 1945) is an English film and stage actor, director and writer.
- Charles Lawson
Quintin Charles Devenish "Charlie" Lawson (born 17 September 1959) is an actor from Northern Ireland who is best known for playing Jim McDonald in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street.
- Richard Lawson (actor)
Richard Lee Lawson (born March 7, 1947) is an American actor who has starred in movies and on television.
- Ben Lawson
Ben Lawson (born 6 February 1980) is an Australian actor.
- Josh Lawson
Joshua Lawson (born 22 July 1981) is an Australian actor best known for his role as Doug Gugghenheim in the Showtime sitcom House of Lies.
- Ty Lawson
Tywon Ronell Lawson (born November 3, 1987) is an American professional basketball player for the Fujian Sturgeons of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA).
- Ken Lawson
Kenyatta T. Lawson (born January 19, 1976), better known as Ken L, is an American actor and rapper.
- Shaq Lawson
Shaquille Lawson (born June 17, 1994) is an American football outside linebacker for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL).
- Preacher Lawson
Preacher Lawson (born March 14, 1991) is an American comedian.
- Liam Lawson
Liam Lawson (born 11 February 2002) is a New Zealand motor racing driver, mentored by three-time New Zealand Grand Prix winner Ken Smith, reigning Toyota Racing Series champion and member of the Red Bull Junior Team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Lawson Numerology: Name Lawson has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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