What does the name Lawrie mean? What is the meaning of the name Lawrie?
Meaning of Lawrie: Name Lawrie in the English origin, means A fierce, fiery individual. Name Lawrie is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lawrie are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lawrie (Namesakes)
- Lawrie Quinn
Lawrence William Quinn (born 25 December 1956) is a British Labour Party politician, railway engineer and from 1997 to 2005 he was the Member of Parliament for Scarborough and Whitby.
- Lawrie McMenemy
Lawrence McMenemy MBE (born 26 July 1936) is an English retired football coach, best known for his spell as manager of Southampton.
- Paul Lawrie
Paul Stewart Lawrie (born 1 January 1969) is a Scottish professional golfer who is best known for winning The Open Championship in 1999.
- Lawrie Sanchez
Lawrence Philip Sanchez (born 22 October 1959) is a Northern Irish football manager and former international footballer.
- Nate Lawrie
Nathan Earl "Nate" Lawrie (born October 7, 1981) is a former American football tight end.
- Lawrie McKinna
Lawrie McKinna (born 8 July 1961) is a Scottish-Australian former football player, coach, and former Mayor of Gosford City Council.
- Peter Lawrie
Peter Lawrie (born 22 March 1974) is an Irish professional golfer.
- Deborah Lawrie
Deborah Jane Lawrie (born 14 May 1953), known as Deborah Wardley while married, was one of the first woman to become a pilot with a major Australian airline after winning a landmark sex discrimination case against Ansett Airlines.
- Lawrie Madden
Lawrie Madden (born 28 September 1955, in Hackney), is an English former professional footballer, who played in The Football League for nine different clubs between the 1970s and 1990s.
- James Lawrie
James Lawrie (born 18 December 1990) is a Northern Irish semi-professional footballer who plays for Northern Premier League Premier Division club Nantwich Town.
- Brett Lawrie
Brett Russell Lawrie (born January 18, 1990) is a Canadian professional baseball third baseman who is currently a free agent.
- Delia Lawrie
Delia Phoebe Lawrie (born 30 July 1966) is an Australian politician.
- Danielle Lawrie
Danielle Elaine Lawrie-Locke (born April 11, 1987) is a Canadian, former collegiate All-American, 2008 Olympian, pro All-Star right-handed hitting softball pitcher and current sports commentator, originally from Langley, British Columbia.
- Michael Lawrie
Michael Lawrie (born 17 April 1968) is a British computer security and social networking expert known for many things ranging from running MUDs to accidentally being the world's first Cybersquatter.
- Lawrie Minson
Lawrence (Lawrie) Minson (born 13 September 1958) is an Australian country musician, guitarist and songwriter residing in Tamworth, New South Wales.
- Lawrie Wilson
Lawrie Robert Wilson (born 11 September 1987) is an English footballer who plays as a right-back for National League club Ebbsfleet United.
- Dawn Lawrie
Alline Dawn Lawrie (born 3 November 1938) is an Australian former politician.
- Bobby Lawrie
Bobby Lawrie (born 14 November 1947) is a Scottish former footballer, who played for Partick Thistle and Stranraer in the Scottish Football League in the 1960s and 1970s.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Lawrie Numerology: Name Lawrie has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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