What does the name Law mean? What is the meaning of the name Law
Meaning of Law: Name Law in the English origin, means One who came from the hills. Name Law is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Law (Namesakes)
- Jude Law
David Jude Heyworth Law (born 29 December 1972) is an English actor.
- Ty Law
Tajuan E. "Ty" Law (born February 10, 1974) is a former American football cornerback who played 15 seasons in the National Football League (NFL).
- Denis Law
Denis Law (born 24 February 1940) is a Scottish former footballer who played as a forward.
- Phyllida Law
Phyllida Ann Law (born 8 May 1932) is a Scottish actress, known for her numerous roles in film and television.
- Stuart Law
Stuart Grant Law (born 18 October 1968) is an Australian-born cricket coach and former cricketer.
- Vern Law
Vernon Sanders "Vern" Law (born March 12, 1930) is an American former baseball pitcher who played sixteen seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Pittsburgh Pirates.
- Brian Laws
Brian Laws (born 14 October 1961) is an English former footballer who was most recently the manager of Scunthorpe United.
- Ronnie Laws
Ronald Wayne Laws (born October 3, 1950) is an American jazz, jazz fusion, smooth jazz saxophonist.
- Stephen Law
Stephen Law (born 1960) is an English philosopher and reader in philosophy, who previously worked at Heythrop College, University of London, until its closure in June 2018.
- Acie Law
Acie Law IV (born January 25, 1985) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Natasha Law
Andrea Natasha Law (born 1 January 1970) is an English painter and graphic designer.
- Thomas Law
Thomas John Law (born 17 December 1992) is an English actor.
- Hubert Laws
Hubert Laws (born November 10, 1939) is an American flautist and saxophonist with a career spanning over 50 years in jazz, classical, and other music genres.
- Law Lan
- Him Law
Him Law Chung-him (born 28 August 1984) is a Hong Kong film and television actor.
- Nathan Law
Nathan Law (Chinese: 羅冠聰, mixed name: Nathan Law Kwun-chung; born 13 July 1993) is a politician and activist in Hong Kong.
- Joshua Law
Joshua Law Chi-kong (Chinese: 羅智光; born 1957) is a Hong Kong government official.
- Ally Law
Alistair "Ally" Law (born 11 February 1997) is an English YouTuber from Southampton.
- Hayley Law
Hayley Law (born November 18, 1992) is a Canadian actress and singer, known for her portrayal of Valerie Brown in the CW drama series Riverdale and Lizzie Elliot in the Netflix science fiction series, Altered Carbon.
- Vic Law
Victor Lamar Law (born December 19, 1995) is an American professional basketball player for the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association (NBA), on a two-way contract with the Lakeland Magic of the NBA G League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Law Numerology: Name Law has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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