What does the name Lauro mean? What is the meaning of the name Lauro
Meaning of Lauro: Name Lauro in the Italian origin, means A Boy who comes from the place where Laurel trees grow. Name Lauro is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lauro are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lauro (Namesakes)
- Rosa DeLauro
Rosa Luisa DeLauro (born March 2, 1943) is the U.S. Representative for Connecticut's 3rd congressional district, serving since 1991.
- Lauro Cavazos
Lauro Fred Cavazos Jr. (born January 4, 1927) is an American educator and politician.
- Lauro António
Lauro António (born 18 August 1942) is a Portuguese film director.
- Lauro Moscardini
Lauro Moscardini is an Italian astrophysicist and cosmologist.
- Paolo Di Lauro
Paolo Di Lauro (Italian pronunciation: [ˈpaːolo di ˈlauro]; born August 26, 1953) is an Italian crime boss, leader of the Di Lauro Clan, a Camorra crime organization.
- Germán Lauro
Germán Luján Lauro (born 2 April 1984 in Trenque Lauquen, Argentina) is an Argentine shot putter and discus thrower.
- Cosimo Di Lauro
Cosimo Di Lauro (born December 8, 1973) is an Italian Camorrista and former acting boss of the Di Lauro clan from Naples.
- Marco Di Lauro
Marco Di Lauro (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmarko di ˈlauro]; born 16 June 1980) is an Italian Camorrista and member of the Di Lauro clan from Naples.
- Maurizio Lauro
Maurizio Lauro (born 12 March 1981) is a former Italian footballer who played as a left back.
- Augusto Lauro
Augusto Lauro (born November 29, 1923) is an Italian Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Luis Lauro
Luis Lauro Moreno Flores (born June 19, 1991) is a Mexican singer, songwriter, composer and model.
- Luigi Lauro
Luigi Lauro (born 31 January 1951) is a former Italian male long-distance runner who competed at five editions of the IAAF World Cross Country Championships (from 1974 to 1979).
- Lauro Pacussich
Lauro Pacussich (born 16 August 1940) is a Peruvian rower.
- Achille Lauro (rapper)
Achille Lauro (born 11 July 1990) is an Italian rapper and singer.
He participated at the Sanremo Music Festival 2019 with the song "Rolls Royce" and at the 2020 edition with the song "Me ne frego".
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Lauro Numerology: Name Lauro has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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