What does the name Lauri mean? What is the meaning of the name Lauri
Meaning of Lauri: Name Lauri in the Latin, Finnish origin, means Laurel tree. Name Lauri is of Latin, Finnish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lauri are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lauri (Namesakes)
- Lauri Törhönen
Lauri Törhönen (born 16 August 1947 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish film director.
- Lauri Ylönen
Lauri Ylönen (born 23 April 1979) is a Finnish singer-songwriter, best known as the frontman of the Finnish alternative rock band The Rasmus.
- Lauri Porra
Lauri Porra (born December 13, 1977) is a Finnish bass guitarist and a composer who has written scores for films and other media, as well as commissions from orchestras such as the Lahti Symphony and the Finnish Radio Symphony.
- Lauri Peters
Lauri Peters (born Patricia Peterson; July 2, 1943) is an American actress, dancer, singer, drama teacher, and author.
- Lauri Merten
Lauri Merten (born July 6, 1960) is an American professional golfer.
- Lauri Tähkä
Jarkko Suo better known as Lauri Tähkä, (born November 9, 1973 in Vaasa, Finland) is a Finnish musician and recording artist.
- Lauri Dalla Valle
Lauri Dalla Valle (born 14 September 1991) is a Finnish former professional footballer who played as a striker.
- Lauri Siering
Laura Gail Siering (born February 23, 1957) is an American former competition swimmer who represented the United States at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Quebec.
- Lauri Pedaja
Lauri Pedaja (born 4 April 1987 in Rakvere) is an Estonian actor and hairdresser.
- Lauri Kärmeniemi
- Lauri Love
Lauri Love (; born 14 December 1984, United Kingdom) is a British activist previously wanted by the United States for his alleged activities with the hacker collective Anonymous.
- Lauri Kerminen
Lauri Kerminen (born 18 January 1993) is a Finnish volleyball player.
- Maris Lauri
Maris Lauri (born 1 January 1966) is an Estonian politician, Minister of Education and Research, and a member of the Reform Party.
- Lauri Markkanen
Lauri Elias Markkanen (born 22 May 1997) is a Finnish professional basketball player for the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Giuseppe Lauri
Giuseppe Lauri (born 28 May 1976) is an Italian professional boxer.
- Lauri Kiiski
Lauri Kiiski (born 10 October 1980) is a Finnish tennis player.
- Lauri Nurkse
Lauri Nurkse (born 11 May 1978) is a Finnish actor and film director.
- Lauri Vuorinen
Lauri Vuorinen (born 1 January 1995) is a Finnish cross-country skier.
- Lauri Pajuniemi
Lauri Pajuniemi (born 12 September 1999) is a Finnish professional ice hockey Right wing who is currently playing for HC TPS of Finland's Liiga.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Lauri Numerology: Name Lauri has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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