What does the name Laureano mean? What is the meaning of the name Laureano
Meaning of Laureano: Name Laureano in the English, Latin origin, means Latin name meaning from the place where the laurel trees grow. Name Laureano is of English, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Laureano are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Laureano: Latin name meaning from the place where the laurel trees grow
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Famous people with name Laureano (Namesakes)
- Laureano Leone
Laureano Leone (born September 11, 1928) is a former politician in Ontario, Canada.
- Tony Laureano
Tony Laureano is a heavy metal drummer originally from Puerto Rico.
- Laureano Ibarra
Laureano Ibarra (born April 22, 1983) is an American former competitive pair skater.
- Ricky Laureano
Ricky Laureano (born August 3, 1969) is a Puerto Rican musician most known for being the guitarist and one of the main songwriters of the Rock en Español band Fiel a la Vega.
- Laureano Tombolini
Laureano Martín Tombolini (born 13 August 1976 in Santa Isabel, Santa Fe) is an Argentine football goalkeeper, who plays for Juventud Unida Universitario.
- Laureano Sanabria Ruiz
Laureano Sanabria Ruiz (born 22 March 1985), commonly known as Laure, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for AD Alcorcón as a right back.
- Laureano Olivares
- Laureano Ruiz
Laureano Ruiz Quevedo (born 21 October 1937) is a Spanish retired football defender and manager.
- Laureano Rosas
Laureano Rosas (born 23 August 1990 in Las Flores, Salta) is an Argentine cyclist riding for Transportes Puertas de Cuyo.
- Ramón Laureano
Ramón Laureano (born July 15, 1994) is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball (MLB)
- Miguel Laureano
Miguel Laureano Correa (born November 12, 1983) is a Puerto Rican politician affiliated with the New Progressive Party (PNP).
- Laureano Atanes
Laureano Atanes (born 10 September 1971) is a Spanish wrestler.
- Laureano Staropoli
Laureano Staropoli (born February 27, 1993) is an Argentinian mixed martial artist (MMA).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Laureano Numerology: Name Laureano has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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