What does the name Laure mean? What is the meaning of the name Laure
Meaning of Laure: Name Laure in the Latin, French origin, means She who is from the bay. Name Laure is of Latin, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Laure are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Laure (Namesakes)
- Laure Sainclair
Laure Sainclair (born 24 April 1972) is a French former adult film actress.
Sainclair first worked as a model for nude photography.
- Laure Manaudou
Laure Manaudou (French pronunciation: [lɔʁ manodu]; born 9 October 1986) is a retired French Olympic, world and European champion swimmer.
- Laure Waridel
- Carole Laure
Carole Laure O.C. (born August 5, 1948) is an actress and singer from Quebec, Canada.
- Eddie Laure
Eddie B. Laure (born July 6, 1977) is a Filipino former professional basketball player.
- Laure Boulleau
Laure Pascale Claire Boulleau (born 22 October 1986) is a retired French football player who played for Division 1 Féminine club Paris Saint-Germain.
- Marie-Laure Dougnac
- Laure Barthélémy
Laure Barthélémy (born August 5, 1988 in Briançon, Hautes-Alpes) is a French cross-country skier and soldier who has competed since 2005.
- Laure Soulie
Laure Soulié (born on 28 April 1987) is a retired Andorran biathlete who originally competed for France as her mother is French and Andorra had no team.
- Laure Saint-Raymond
Laure Saint-Raymond (born 1975) is a French mathematician, specializing in partial differential equations.
- Laure Kuetey
Laure Isabelle Kuetey (born 6 March 1971) is a Beninese sprinter who specializes in the Women's 100 meters and the Women's 200 metres events.
- Laure (Nepalese rapper)
Ashish Rana (born June 25, 1989) is a Nepalese rapper, actor and Television personality popularly known by his stage name – "Laure".
- Laure Marsac
Laure Marsac (born 18 February 1970) is a French actress.
- Ennajie Laure
Ennajie C. Laure, more popularly known as EJ, is a Filipina volleyball player.
- Laure Adler
Laure Adler (née Laure Clauzet; born 11 March 1950, in Caen) is a French journalist, writer, publisher and radio/TV producer.
- Anne-Laure Mignerey
Anne-Laure Mignerey (née Condevaux; born 16 July 1973) is a French cross-country skier.
- Laure Flament
Laure Flament (born (1998-06-18)18 June 1998) is a Belgian female volleyball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Laure Numerology: Name Laure has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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