What does the name Lau mean? What is the meaning of the name Lau
Meaning of Lau: Name Lau in the Swedish, Nordic origin, means Nordic name from a place name, Laurentum. Name Lau is of Swedish, Nordic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lau are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lau (Namesakes)
- Andy Lau
Andy Lau Tak-wah (traditional Chinese: 劉德華; simplified Chinese: 刘德华, born 27 September 1961), is a Hong Kong actor, singer-songwriter and film producer.
- Carina Lau
Carina Lau Kar-ling (traditional Chinese: 劉嘉玲; simplified Chinese: 刘嘉玲, born 8 December 1965) is a Hong Kong Canadian actress and singer.
- Yisrael Meir Lau
Yisrael Meir Lau (Hebrew: ישראל מאיר לאו; born 1 June 1937) served as the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Chairman of Yad Vashem.
- Sean Lau
Sean Lau Ching-wan (Born February 16, 1964) is a Hong Kong actor who has acted in both films and television series.
- Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau Wai-Keung (born 4 April 1960) is a Hong Kong film director, producer, and cinematographer.
- Hawick Lau
Hawick Lau Hoi-wai (Chinese: 劉愷威; born 13 October 1974) is a Hong Kong actor and singer and was named as one of the Five Fresh Tigers of TVB, best known for his performances in TVB series A Kindred Spirit (1995), Virtues of Harmony (2001) and My Family (2005).
- Winnie Lau
Winnie Lau Siu Wai (born 24 July 1971) is a Hong Kong singer and actress.
- Lau Dan
Danny Lau Dan (Chinese: 劉丹; born 13 January 1944) is a Hong Kong actor.
- Canti Lau
Lau Sek Ming (Chinese: 劉錫明; pinyin: Liu Xi Ming; born 16 July 1964 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong actor whose ancestral home is Chaoyang, Guangdong, China.
- Joseph Lau
Joseph Lau Luen Hung (Chinese: 劉鑾雄; born 21 July 1951) is a Hong Kong billionaire.
- Damian Lau
Damian Lau Chung-yan (born 14 October 1949) is a Hong Kong film and television actor, executive producer and film director.
- Jeffrey Lau
Jeffrey Lau Chun-Wai (Chinese: 劉鎮偉; born 4 February 1955) is a Hong Kong film director, screenwriter, actor and producer.
- Henry Lau
Henry Lau (born October 11, 1989), commonly referred to mononymously as Henry, is a Canadian-born Chinese singer, songwriter, actor, entertainer and classical violinist based in South Korea and China.
- Frederick Lau
Frederick Lau (born 17 August 1989 in Steglitz, Berlin, Germany) is a German actor.
- David Lau
David Baruch Lau (Hebrew: דוד לאו; born 13 January 1966) is the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel.
- Eddie Lau
Eddie Lau Pui-Kei (born February 24, 1951) is a fashion designer in Hong Kong.
- Pete Lau
Pete Lau or Liu Zuohu (Chinese: 刘作虎; pinyin: Liú Zuòhǔ; Jyutping: Lau4 Zok3 Fu2) is a Chinese entrepreneur and business executive.
- James Lau
James Henry Lau Jr. (Chinese: 劉怡翔; born 24 April 1950) is a Hong Kong government official.
- Angie Lau
Angie Lau is a journalist, speaker, founder, and editor-in-chief of Forkast.News, an Asia-based digital media platform covering emerging technology.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Lau Numerology: Name Lau has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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