
What does the name Lanza mean? What is the meaning of the name Lanza

Meaning of Lanza: Name Lanza in the Italian origin, means A Noble and Eager Woman. Name Lanza is of Italian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lanza are usually Judaism by religion.

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A Noble and Eager Woman
1 word with 5 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Lanza: A Noble and Eager Woman

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Famous people with name Lanza (Namesakes)

  1. Blackjack Lanza

    John Lanza (born October 14, 1935) is an American retired professional wrestler, better known by his ring name, Blackjack Lanza.

  2. Andrew Lanza

    Andrew Joseph Lanza (born March 12, 1964) is an American lawyer and Republican politician.

  3. Damián Lanza

    Damián Enrique Lanza Moyano (born April 10, 1982) is an Ecuadorian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Clan Juvenil in the Ecuador Serie B. Lanza was born in Cuenca and is half Argentinian, through his father.

  4. Robert Lanza

    Robert Lanza (born 11 February 1956) is an American medical doctor, scientist and philosopher.

  5. Suzanne Lanza

    Suzanne Lanza is an American actress and model.

  6. Cosimo Damiano Lanza

    Cosimo Damiano Lanza (born 12 April 1962) is an Italian pianist, harpsichordist and composer.

  7. José Jesús Lanza

    José Jesús Lanza Morilla (born 10 August 1978) is a Spanish footballer who plays as a midfielder.

  8. Chuck Lanza

    Charles Louis Lanza (born September 20, 1964) is a former American football center who played two seasons with the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL).

  9. Jessy Lanza

    Jessy Lanza is a Canadian electronic songwriter, producer, and vocalist from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

  10. Cesare Lanza

    Cesare Lanza (born 8 July 1942) is an Italian journalist and author.

  11. Stephen Lanza

    Stephen Lanza (born May 10, 1957) is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as commanding general, I Corps at Joint Base Lewis–McChord from February 6, 2014 to April 3, 2017, when he transferred authority to Lieutenant General Gary J. Volesky.

  12. Filippo Lanza

    Filippo Lanza (born 3 March 1991) is an Italian volleyball player, a member of the Italy men's national volleyball team and Italian club Sir Safety Perugia, silver medalist of the 2015 World Cup, medalist of the European Championship (silver in 2013, bronze in 2015), medalist of the World League.

  13. Nimal Lanza

    Warnakulasuriya Antony Nimal Lanza (born 13 October 1974) is a Sri Lankan politician, a member of the United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA).

    In 1993 Lanza contested the Negombo Municipal Council elections coming second on the preferential list and when Ananda Munasinghe, the former mayor, became an MP in 2000, he was appointed in his place.

  14. Carlos Lanza

    Carlos Ovidio Lanza Martínez (born 15 May 1989) is a Honduran professional footballer who plays as a forward for Honduran club Juticalpa F.C. and the Honduras national team.

  15. Pedro Lanza

    Pedro Lanza (born 21 September 1961 in Buenos Aires) is a former Argentine rugby union footballer and manager.

  16. Dominic W. Lanza

    Dominic William Lanza (born May 20, 1976) is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Arizona.

  17. Vinicius Lanza

    Vinicius Moreira Lanza (born March 22, 1997 in Belo Horizonte) is a Brazilian swimmer.

  18. Angelina Lanza

    Angélina Lanza (born June 6, 1993) is a French Paralympic athlete who competes in both track and field events.

Do you know any famous people named Lanza, let us know and we would update the information.

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Ashvini Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9

Baby Name Lanza Numerology: Name Lanza has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Lanza

What is the meaning of Lanza?
Name Lanza means A Noble and Eager Woman as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Lanza Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Lanza?
Name Lanza has numerology 8 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Lanza?
The lucky number of name Lanza is 8 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Lanza name?
The name Lanza has 5 letters. The name Lanza consists of 1 word with 5 characters.
What is the Nakshatra of Lanza?
Name Lanza belongs to Ashvini nakshatra based on Indian Astrology or Janam Nakshatra as per the information available on The ParentZ.
Where does the name Lanza come from?
Lanza is a Italian name given to Girls as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Lanza?
The name Lanza is of Italian origin and is used within Judaism communities.
What does Lanza mean?
Name Lanza means A Noble and Eager Woman as per The ParentZ
What does the name Lanza mean?
Lanza is of Italian origin and means A Noble and Eager Woman as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Lanza?
Lanza means A Noble and Eager Woman and is a Italian name given to Girls as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Lanza?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Lanza.