What does the name Lantz mean? What is the meaning of the name Lantz
Meaning of Lantz: Name Lantz in the Yiddish, Jewish origin, means Yiddish form of Lancer. It means spear.. Name Lantz is of Yiddish, Jewish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lantz are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lantz (Namesakes)
- Stu Lantz
Stuart Burrell Lantz (born July 13, 1946) is an American former basketball player who is a television commentator for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA) on Spectrum SportsNet.
- Marcus Lantz
Marcus Lantz (born 23 October 1975) is a Swedish former professional footballer, who played as a holding midfielder.
- Joachim Lantz
Joachim Gustav Henric Lantz (born 10 May 1977) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Östers IF on loan from IFK Berga as a defender.
- Patricia Lantz
Patricia T. Lantz, commonly known as Pat Lantz, was a Democratic member of the Washington House of Representatives from January 1997 to January 2009, representing the 26th district.
- Lantz L'Amour
Lantz L'Amour (aka Tyson Cornell, born Robert Tyson Cornell, September 4, 1978, Iowa City, Iowa, United States) is an American musician best known as the singer and guitarist of the Los Angeles "Miami Vice–rock" superduo Bästard Saïnts, in addition to his extensive work as a solo recording artist and session musician.
- Jörgen Lantz
Lars Jörgen Lantz (born 23 December 1943, in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish actor, known for his appearances in children's TV program, among them Ville, Valle och Viktor (as Ville) and Björnes magasin (1987–2001, as Björne).
- Frank Lantz
Frank Lantz (born December 17, 1963) is the Director of the New York University Game Center.
- Annika Lantz
Annika Maria Lantz, (born 9 March 1968) is a Swedish radio host, comedian and television presenter.
- Lisa Lantz
Lisa Hurtig (born 26 August 1987) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Linköpings FC.
- Mats-Åke Lantz
Mats-Åke Lantz (born 27 October 1951) is a Swedish biathlete.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Lantz Numerology: Name Lantz has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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