What does the name Lann mean? What is the meaning of the name Lann?
Meaning of Lann: Name Lann in the Celtic origin, means The one who is good with a Sword. Name Lann is of Celtic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Lann (Namesakes)
- Andy Lanning
Andy Lanning (born 21 November 1963) is an English comic book writer and inker, known for his work for Marvel Comics and DC Comics, and for his collaboration with Dan Abnett.
- Lorne Lanning
Lorne Lanning is an American game designer, director, writer and voice actor.
- Vanessa Lann
Vanessa Lann (born April 6, 1968, Brooklyn, New York) is an American composer / Dutch composer living in the Netherlands.
Lann is known for contemporary compositions for underutilized instruments such as the bass clarinet, bassoon and toy piano.
- Éric Le Lann
Éric Le Lann (born 1957 in Brittany) is a French jazz trumpeter.
- Justin Lanning (musician)
Justin Lanning is a Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter.
- Bill Lann Lee
Bill Lann Lee (born February 5, 1949) is a Chinese American civil rights lawyer who served as Assistant United States Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division for the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division under President Bill Clinton.
He is married to Carolyn Yee with whom he has two sons and a daughter.
- Michael Lee Lanning
Michael Lee Lanning (born September 18, 1946) is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and the author of military non-fiction.
- Morrie Lanning
Morris L. "Morrie" Lanning (born August 27, 1944, in Portland, Oregon) is a Minnesota politician and former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives representing District 9A, which included portions of Clay County in the northwestern part of the state.
- Meg Lanning
Meghann Moira Lanning (born 25 March 1992) is an Australian international cricketer who currently captains the Australian women's national team and the Victorian Spirit , as well as the Perth Scorchers (WBBL).
- Spencer Lanning
Spencer Davis Lanning (born May 21, 1988) is an American football punter who is currently a free agent.
- Joel Lanning
Joel Lanning (born November 18, 1994) is a former American football linebacker who is currently a graduate assistant for the Iowa State Cyclones football team.
- Bob Lanning
Bob Lanning (born April 4, 1948) is an American drummer, best known for his work with Elvis Presley in the 1970s as a member of his TCB Band.
Lanning worked as his drummer during Presley's 1970 engagement at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Lann Numerology: Name Lann has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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