What does the name Landry mean? What is the meaning of the name Landry
Meaning of Landry: Name Landry in the English, American, French origin, means The one who rules the land. Name Landry is of English, American, French origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Landry are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Landry (Namesakes)
- Ali Landry
Ali Germaine Landry (born July 21, 1973) is an American actress, model, and beauty pageant titleholder who won Miss USA 1996.
- Dawan Landry
Dawan Frank Landry (born December 30, 1982) is a former American football strong safety in the National Football League (NFL).
- LaRon Landry
LaRon Louis Landry (born October 14, 1984) is a former American football safety.
- Carl Landry
Carl Christopher Landry (born September 19, 1983) is an American professional basketball player for the Hiroshima Dragonflies of the B.League.
- Gill Landry
Gill Landry, also known by the stage name of Frank Lemon, is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist born in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
- John Landry
John Landry (born December 22, 1969) is a Canadian country music artist.
- Landry Jones
Matthew Landry Jones (born April 4, 1989) is an American football quarterback who is a free agent.
- Landry Fields
Landry Fields (born June 27, 1988) is an American professional basketball executive and former player.
- Jeff Landry
Jeffrey Martin Landry (born December 23, 1970) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the Attorney General of Louisiana.
- Caleb Landry Jones
Caleb Landry Jones (born December 7, 1989) is an American actor and musician, best known for his roles as Banshee in X-Men: First Class (2011), Jeremy Armitage in Get Out (2017), and Red Welby in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017).
- Bill Landry
William Anthony "Bill" Landry III (born April 10, 1950) is an actor, director and producer best known for The Heartland Series, a historical series on East Tennessee broadcast from WBIR-TV in Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Jarvis Landry
Jarvis Charles Landry (born November 28, 1992) is an American football wide receiver for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL).
- Landry Bender
Landry Bender (born August 3, 2000) is an American actress.
- Andrew Landry
Andrew Landry (born August 7, 1987) is an American professional golfer who plays on the PGA Tour.
- Alexandre Landry
Alexandre Landry (born December 20, 1985) is a Canadian film, television and stage actor.
- Landry Dimata
Landry Nany Dimata (born 1 September 1997) is a Belgian footballer who plays for Anderlecht.
- Harold Landry
Harold Antonio Landry III (born June 5, 1996) is an American football outside linebacker for the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League (NFL).
- Landry Shamet
Landry Michael Shamet (born March 13, 1997) is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Landry Numerology: Name Landry has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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