What does the name Lana mean? What is the meaning of the name Lana
Meaning of Lana: Name Lana in the Greek, Gaelic origin, means Light; The one that posesses Light; Bouyant or Float. Name Lana is of Greek, Gaelic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lana are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Lana: Light; The one that posesses Light; Bouyant or Float
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Famous people with name Lana (Namesakes)
- Lana Bagen
Lana Bagen (born 9 July 1996) is a British figure skater.
- Lana Barić
Lana Barić (born 11 December 1979) is a Croatian actress.
- Lana Wood
Lana Wood (born Svetlana Gurdina; March 1, 1946) is an American actress and film producer.
- Lana Parrilla
Lana Maria Parrilla (born July 15, 1977) is an American actress.
- La Lana
Lana Jurčević (Croatian pronunciation: [lǎːna jǔːrtʃeʋitɕ]; born November 7, 1984), internationally known under the stage name La Lana (pronounced ), is a Croatian pop singer born in Zagreb.
- Lana Tisdel
Lana M. Tisdel (born May 28, 1975) is an American woman whose early life and involvement with the December 1993 murders of Brandon Teena, Phillip DeVine and Lisa Lambert was chronicled in the 1998 documentary The Brandon Teena Story and the 1999 film Boys Don't Cry (which left out DeVine).
- Jun Lana
Jun Robles Lana (born October 10, 1972), born as Rodolfo R. Lana Jr., is an internationally acclaimed Filipino filmmaker.
- Lana Marks
Lana J. Marks (born November 18, 1953) is a South African-born American fashion designer who founded the eponymous fashion brand Lana Marks.
- Lana Cantrell
Lana Eleanor Cantrell AM (born 7 August 1943) is an Australian-American singer and entertainment lawyer.
- Lana Ogilvie
Lana Ogilvie is a Canadian fashion model.
- Lana Del Rey
Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (born June 21, 1985), known professionally as Lana Del Rey, is an American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and poet.
- Lana Nodin
Mazlina Hasan Nodin also known as Lana Nodin is a model who became an actress in 2005.
- Lana (wrestler)
Catherine Joy Perry (born March 24, 1985) is an American professional wrestler, professional wrestling manager, actress, dancer, model, and singer.
- Lana Condor
Lana Therese Condor (born Tran Dong Lan, May 11, 1997) is an American actress and YouTuber.
- Lana Lokteff
Lana Jennifer Lokteff (born March 14, 1979) is an American neo-Nazi, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist YouTube personality who is part of the alt-right movement.
- Lana Theis
Lana Theis (born June 23, 1965) is an American politician from Michigan.
- Lana Petranović
Lana Petranović (born 4 January 2000) is a Croatian pair skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Lana Numerology: Name Lana has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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