What does the name Lajos mean? What is the meaning of the name Lajos
Meaning of Lajos: Name Lajos in the Hungarian origin, means Lajos means Famos Holiness. Name Lajos is of Hungarian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lajos are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lajos (Namesakes)
- Lajos Szabó (wrestler)
Lajos Szabó (born 23 April 1956) is a Hungarian wrestler.
- Lajos Sătmăreanu
Lajos Sătmăreanu (also Ludovic Sătmăreanu, Hungarian: Lajos Szatmári, born 21 February 1944) is a former Romanian football player of Hungarian ethnicity.
- Lajos Détári
Lajos Détári (born 24 April 1963 in Budapest) is a football manager and a retired Hungarian football midfielder.
- Lajos Kű
Lajos Kű (born 5 July 1948 in Székesfehérvár, Fejér) is a Hungarian former football midfielder, who played for Videoton, Ferencvárosi TC, Club Brugge K.V.(notably in the European Cup Final 1978 against Liverpool) and SC Eisenstadt.
- Lajos Schróth
Lajos Schróth (born 28 August 1960 in Budapest) is a retired Hungarian professional football player who played in Hungary for Újpesti Dózsa, in Spain for Cádiz CF and in Finland for FC Haka.
- Lajos Kürthy
Lajos Kürthy (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈlɒjoʃ ˈkyrti]; born 22 October 1986) is a Hungarian shot putter.
- Lajos Hegedűs
Lajos Hegedűs (born 19 December 1987 in Budapest) is a Hungarian football (goalkeeper) player who currently plays for Puskás Akadémia FC.
- Lajos Balázsovits
Lajos Balázsovits (born 4 December 1946) is a Hungarian film actor.
- Lajos Somodi Jr.
Lajos Somodi Jr. (born 10 November 1953) is a Hungarian fencer.
- Lajos Virág
Lajos Virág (born June 27, 1977 in Eger) is an amateur Hungarian Greco-Roman wrestler, who played for the men's heavyweight category.
- Lajos Kósa
Lajos Kósa (born 14 March 1964) is a Hungarian economist and politician, who served as Mayor of Debrecen between 1998 and 2014.
- Lajos Mile
Lajos Mile (born December 14, 1958) is a Hungarian journalist and politician, member of the National Assembly (MP) from Politics Can Be Different (LMP) National List between 2010 and 2014.
- Lajos Koutny
Lajos Koutny (born October 17, 1939) is a former Hungarian ice hockey player.
- Lajos Zentai
Lajos Zentai, shortly Zentai (born August 2, 1966) is a Hungarian footballer, who played as a Defender.
- Lajos Pálinkás
Lajos Pálinkás (born 21 May 1964 in Zirc, Veszprém) is a Hungarian sport shooter.
- Lajos Kovács (actor)
Lajos Kovács (born 9 February 1944) is a Hungarian actor.
- Lajos Máté
Lajos Máté (born 10 July 1928) was a Hungarian alpine skier.
- Lajos Ódor
Lajos Ódor (born 10 February 1960) is a Hungarian rower.
- Lajos Belleli
Lajos Belleli (born July 22, 1977) is a Hungarian male curler and curling coach.
- Lajos Erős
Lajos Erős (born 28 May 1964) is a Hungarian boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Lajos Numerology: Name Lajos has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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