What does the name Kyoko mean? What is the meaning of the name Kyoko?
Meaning of Kyoko: Name Kyoko in the Japanese origin, means Kyoko means Mirror. Name Kyoko is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kyoko are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kyoko (Namesakes)
- Kyoko Fukada
Kyoko Fukada (深田 恭子, Fukada Kyōko, born November 2, 1982) is a Japanese actress and singer.
- Kyoko Ina
Kyoko Ina (伊奈 恭子, Ina Kyōko, born October 11, 1972) is a Japanese-American figure skater.
- Kyoko Inoue
Kyoko Inoue (井上 京子, Inoue Kyōko, born April 22, 1969) is a Japanese female professional wrestler.
- Kyoko Mizuki
Kyoko Mizuki (水木 杏子, Mizuki Kyōko) is one of the pen names of Keiko Nagita (名木田 恵子, Nagita Keiko, born November 28, 1949 in Tokyo).
- Kyoko Takezawa
Kyoko Takezawa (竹澤 恭子, Takezawa Kyōko) is a prominent Japanese-born violinist.
- Kyoko Okazaki
Kyoko Okazaki (岡崎 京子, Okazaki Kyōko, born December 13, 1963) is a Japanese manga artist.
- Kyoko Kimura
Kyoko Kimura (木村 響子, Kimura Kyōko, born March 19, 1977) is a retired Japanese professional wrestler and mixed martial artist.
- Kyoko Hinami
Kyoko Hinami (日南 響子, Hinami Kyoko, born February 6, 1994 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese gravure idol and actress known for her role as Mitsuki Aoyagi/Akiba Blue in the 2012 Super Sentai parody series Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger.
- Kyoko Kasuya
- Kyoko Yoshine
Kyōko Yoshine (芳根京子, Yoshine Kyōko, born 28 February 1997) is a Japanese actress and Voice actor.
- Kyoko Uchida (announcer)
Kyoko Uchida (内田 恭子, Uchida Kyōko, born 9 June 1976, in Düsseldorf, West Germany) is a Japanese free announcer.
- Kyoko Shimazaki
Kyoko Shimazaki (島崎 京子, Shimazaki Kyōko, born 7 January 1972) is a Japanese speed skater.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Kyoko Numerology: Name Kyoko has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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