What does the name Kyo mean? What is the meaning of the name Kyo?
Meaning of Kyo: Name Kyo in the Japanese origin, means Kyo means Village or Unite. Name Kyo is of Japanese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Kyo are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kyo (Namesakes)
- Song Hye-kyo
Song Hye-kyo (Korean: 송혜교; born November 22, 1981) is a South Korean actress.
- Kyo (musician)
Kyo (Japanese: 京, Hepburn: Kyō, born February 16, 1976 in Kyoto) is a Japanese musician, singer, lyricist and poet.
- Hwang Kyo-chung
Hwang Kyo-Chung (Korean: 황교충; born 9 April 1985) is a South Korean footballer who plays as goalkeeper for Ulsan Hyundai Mipo in the Korea National League.
- Kim Kyo-bin
Kim Kyo-Bin (Korean: 김교빈; born 29 December 1987) is a retired South Korean footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Kim Min-kyo
Kim Min-kyo (Korean: 김민교, born April 15, 1974) is a South Korean actor and director.
- Geum Kyo-jin
Geum Kyo-jin (Korean: 금교진; born 3 January 1992) is a South Korean footballer who plays as a full-back.
- Hwang Kyo-ahn
Hwang Kyo-ahn (Korean: 황교안; Hanja: 黃敎安; RR: Hwang Gyo-an; born 15 April 1957) is a South Korean politician and prosecutor who served as the 40th Prime Minister of South Korea from 18 June 2015 to 11 May 2017, having previously served as Justice Minister.
- Nobuo Kyo
Nobuo Kyo (姜 暢雄, Kyō Nobuo, born March 23, 1979, in Himeji, Hyōgo, Japan) is a Japanese actor who is represented by the talent agency Cube.
- Koo Kyo-hwan
- In Kyo-don
In Kyo-don also known as "The Bear" (born June 27, 1992) is a South Korean taekwondo practitioner.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Kyo Numerology: Name Kyo has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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