What does the name Kwan mean? What is the meaning of the name Kwan
Meaning of Kwan: Name Kwan in the Korean origin, means Kwan means One who is Strong. Name Kwan is of Korean origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kwan are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kwan (Namesakes)
- Terri Kwan
- This is a Chinese name; the family name is Chen.
- Tse Kwan-ho
Tse Kwan-ho (born 23 March 1963) is a Hong Kong actor.
- Alaina Kwan
Alaina Sue Kwan (born July 29, 1998 in Mission Viejo) is an American artistic gymnast.
- Michelle Kwan
Michelle Wingshan Kwan (born July 7, 1980) is a retired American figure skater.
- Stanley Kwan
Stanley Kwan (simplified Chinese: 关锦鹏; traditional Chinese: 關錦鵬; born October 9, 1957) is a Hong Kong film director and producer.
- Nancy Kwan
Nancy "Ka Shen" Kwan (Chinese: 關家蒨; pinyin: Guān Jiāqiàn; Jyutping: Gwaan1 Gaa1sin6; born May 19, 1939) is a Hong Kong-born American actress who played a pivotal role in the acceptance of actors of Asian ancestry in major Hollywood film roles.
- Jade Kwan
Kwan Wai-Man (born 31 July 1979), better known professionally as Jade Kwan Sum-Yin (Chinese: 關心妍), is a Cantopop singer and philanthropist based in Hong Kong.
- Shirley Kwan
Shirley Kwan, Kwan Suk'E, or Kwan Suk Yee (simplified Chinese: 关淑怡; traditional Chinese: 關淑怡; pinyin: Guān Shúyí, born 15 August 1966) is an influential Cantopop singer from Hong Kong.
- Danny Chan Kwok-kwan
Danny Chan Kwok-kwan (born 1 August 1975) is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, dance choreographer, and lead singer of the rock band, Poet.
- Kenny Kwan
Kenny Kwan Chi-Bun (born December 30, 1980) is a Philippine-born Hong Kong singer-songwriter and actor, under the music label Emperor Entertainment Group.
- Karen Kwan
Karen Wingyan Kwan Oppegard (born 1 June 1978) is best known as the older sister of figure skater Michelle Kwan.
- Rosamund Kwan
Rosamund Kwan Chi Lam (born Kwan Kar Wai on 24 September 1962), is a former Hong Kong actress, best known for starring as the female lead "Thirteenth Aunt" in the 1990s Once Upon a Time in China film series.
- Song Dae-kwan
Song Dae-kwan (Korean: 송대관, born June 2, 1946) is a South Korean singer of Trot music.
- Jennie Kwan
Jennie Kwan (born Jennifer Trinidad Fernando; September 9, 1973) is an American actress and singer.
- Michael Kwan
Michael Kwan Ching-kit is a Hong Kong Cantopop singer previously with the Philips label (the brand Polygram was not adopted until later in Hong Kong), and later with EMI. His back catalogue (1986–1988) continues to be published by Universal Music Group.
- Kelvin Kwan
- Susanna Kwan
Susanna Kwan Kuk-ying (born May 3, 1958) is a Hong Kong singer and actress.
- Esther Kwan
Esther Kwan Wing-ho (simplified Chinese: 关咏荷; traditional Chinese: 關詠荷), born 16 July 1964 is a Hong Kong retired actress formerly contracted to TVB and ATV.
- Gavin Kwan Adsit
Gavin Kwan Adsit (born 5 April 1996) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Liga 1 club Bali United and the Indonesia national team.
- Jang Mi-kwan
Jang Mi-kwan (born July 21, 1989) is a South Korean model and actor.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Kwan Numerology: Name Kwan has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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