What does the name Kurtis mean? What is the meaning of the name Kurtis
Meaning of Kurtis: Name Kurtis in the German origin, means Kurtis means Polite ONe. Name Kurtis is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kurtis are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kurtis: Kurtis means Polite ONe
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Famous people with name Kurtis (Namesakes)
- Kurtis Blow
Kurtis Walker (born August 9, 1959), professionally known by his stage name Kurtis Blow, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record/film producer, b-boy, DJ, public speaker and minister.
- Bill Kurtis
Bill Kurtis (born William Horton Kuretich; September 21, 1940) is an American television journalist, producer, narrator, and news anchor.
- Kurtis Mantronik
Kurtis el Khaleel (born Graham Curtis el Khaleel, September 4, 1965), known by the stage name Kurtis Mantronik, is Jamaican-born hip hop and electronic-music artist, DJ, remixer, and producer.
- Kurtis Foster
Kurtis Foster (born November 24, 1981) is a Canadian ice hockey coach and a former professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Kurtis Byrne
Kurtis Byrne (born 9 April 1990) is an Irish professional footballer who plays for Welsh Premier League side The New Saints.
- Kurtis Guthrie
Kurtis Owen Guthrie (born 21 April 1993) is an English professional footballer from Jersey, who plays as a forward for League Two club Bradford City.
- Kurtis Gaskell
Kurtis Gaskell (born April 28, 1990) is a Canadian pair skater.
- Kurtis Patterson
Kurtis Adam Patterson (born 5 April 1993) is an Australian cricketer, currently playing for the New South Wales cricket team.
- Kurtis Gabriel
Kurtis Gabriel (born April 20, 1993) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward.
- Kurtis Drummond
Kurtis Drummond (born January 29, 1992) is an American football safety who is currently a free agent.
- Kurtis Marschall
Kurtis Marschall (born 25 April 1997) is an Australian pole vaulter.
- Kurtis MacDermid
Kurtis MacDermid (born March 25, 1994) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenseman who is currently playing for the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Kurtis T. Wilder
Kurtis T. Wilder (born April 26, 1959) was an Associate Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, appointed in May 2017 by Gov.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Kurtis Numerology: Name Kurtis has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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