What does the name Kumar mean? What is the meaning of the name Kumar
Meaning of Kumar: Name Kumar in the Indian, Sanskrit origin, means Kumar means Prince. Name Kumar is of Indian, Sanskrit origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kumar are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kumar (Namesakes)
- Dilip Kumar
Muhammad Yusuf Khan (born 11 December 1922), known professionally as Dilip Kumar, is an actor, producer and philanthropist, who was later elected to India's parliament.
- Akshay Kumar
Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia (born 9 September 1967), known professionally as Akshay Kumar, is an Indian-born Canadian actor, producer, martial artist and television personality who works in Bollywood films.
- Kumar Sanu
Kedarnath Bhattacharaya (born 20 October 1957), better known as Kumar Sanu, is a leading bollywood Indian playback singer who is famous for singing thousands of bollywood songs.
- Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar (born 1 May 1971), often mononymously called Ajith, is an Indian film actor who works predominantly in Tamil cinema.
- Kumar Gaurav
Kumar Gaurav (born 11 July 1960) is an Indian film actor and son of late actor Rajendra Kumar.
- Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar (born Harikishan Giri Goswami on 24 July 1937) is an Indian actor and director in Bollywood.
- Nitish Kumar
Nitish Kumar (born 1 March 1951) is an Indian politician.
- Meira Kumar
Meira Kumar (born 31 March 1945) is an Indian politician and former diplomat.
- Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar (born 20 October 1953) is an Indian screen and theatre actor.
- Anand Kumar
Anand Kumar (born 1 January 1973) is an Indian Mathematics educator best known for his Super 30 programme, which he started in Patna, Bihar in 2002, and which coaches underprivileged students for IIT-JEE, the entrance examination for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
- Salim Kumar
Salim Kumar (born 10 October 1969) is an Indian film actor, director and writer in Malayalam cinema.
- Tulsi Kumar
Tulsi Kumar Dua, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar, is an Indian playback singer born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua.
- Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar Ganguly (born 3 July 1952) is an Indian playback singer, actor, music composer.
- Kumar Vishwas
Kumar Vishwas (born Vishwas Kumar Sharma; 10 February 1970) is an Indian Hindi poet, politician and a lecturer.
- Bhuvneshwar Kumar
Bhuvneshwar Kumar Singh (born 5 February 1990) is an Indian international cricketer who plays all formats of the game.
- Ravish Kumar
Ravish Kumar (born 5 December 1974) is an Indian journalist, author, and media personality.
- Girish Kumar
Girish Kumar Taurani (born 30 January 1989) is an Indian film actor working in the Hindi film industry.
- Uttar Kumar
Uttar Kumar is an Indian film actor, writer, director who mainly works in Haryanvi films.
- Jitendra Kumar
Jitendra Kumar (born 1 September 1990) is an Indian actor.
- Ritu Kumar
Ritu Kumar is an Indian fashion designer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Kumar Numerology: Name Kumar has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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