What does the name Kulik mean? What is the meaning of the name Kulik
Meaning of Kulik: Name Kulik in the Indian origin, means Well Born; Born in a good Clan; Well Born in good Kul; From Good Family. Name Kulik is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kulik are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kulik: Well Born; Born in a good Clan; Well Born in good Kul; From Good Family
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Famous people with name Kulik (Namesakes)
- Ilia Kulik
Ilia Alexandrovich Kulik (Russian: Илья Александрович Кулик ; born 23 May 1977) is a Russian figure skater.
- Aleksandr Kulik
Aleksandr Kulik (born 23 July 1981) is an Estonian professional footballer.
- Vladislav Kulik
Vladislav Mikhailovich Kulik (Russian: Владислав Михайлович Кулик; born 27 February 1985) is a Russian footballer.
- Christian Kulik
Christian Kulik (born 6 December 1952 in Zabrze, Silesia, Poland) is a retired German football player of Polish origin.
- Vladimir Kulik
Vladimir Yuryevich Kulik (Russian: Владимир Юрьевич Кулик; born 18 February 1972) is a former Russian professional footballer.
- Konstantin Kulik
Konstantin Anatolyevich Kulik (Russian: Константин Анатольевич Кулик; Ukrainian: Костянтин Анатолійович Кулик - Kostyantyn Anatoliyovych Kulyk; born 14 June 1970) is a former Ukrainian professional footballer.
- Stephen Kulik
Stephen Kulik (born August 3, 1950 in Boston, Massachusetts) is an American politician who represents the 1st Franklin District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, was a member of the Worthington, Massachusetts Board of Selectmen from 1983–1994, and was a Hampshire County Commissioner from 1989–1992.
In 2018, Kulik did not run for re-election.
- Yevgeni Kulik
Yevgeni Kulik (born 12 June 1993) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Anita Astorino Kulik
Anita Astorino Kulik (born May 5, 1964) is an American politician who has served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 45th district since 2017.
- Witold Kulik
Witold Kulik (born 4 August 1957) is a former Polish football player and manager, and current member of the Pruszcz Gdański council.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Kulik Numerology: Name Kulik has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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