What does the name Kristian mean? What is the meaning of the name Kristian?
Meaning of Kristian: Name Kristian in the Scandinavian, Danish origin, means Kristian means Christian. Name Kristian is of Scandinavian, Danish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kristian are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kristian (Namesakes)
- Marty Kristian
Marty Kristian (born Martins Vanags on 27 May 1947) is a German-born, British-based musician.
- Kristian Alfonso
Kristian-Joy Alfonso (born September 5, 1963) is an American actress, former figure skater and fashion model.
- Kristian Jensen
- For the Danish ice hockey player, see Kristian Jensen (ice hockey)
Kristian Jensen (born 21 May 1971) is a Danish politician who was Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark from 2015–2016, and Minister of Finance from 2016–2019.
- Kristian Lundin
Kristian Lundin (born 7 May 1973) is a Swedish composer, music producer and songwriter.
- Kristian Schmid
Kristian Schmid (born 28 November 1974) is an Australian actor best known for his roles as Todd Landers in Neighbours and Leading Seaman Robert Dixon in Sea Patrol.
- Kristian Bush
Kristian Merrill Bush (born March 14, 1970) is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer.
- Kristian Haynes
Kristian Haynes (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈhaɪns]; born 20 December 1980) is a Swedish manager and former footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Kristian Bardsley
Kristian Bardsley (born 13 September 1972) is a former Australian rules football player.
- Kristian Álvarez
- Kristian Stanfill
Kristian Paul Stanfill (born April 9, 1983) is an American Christian music singer, songwriter and worship leader from Atlanta, Georgia.
- Kristian Nairn
Kristian Nairn (born 25 November 1975) is an actor and DJ from Lisburn, Northern Ireland.
- Kristian Andersen
Kristian Andersen (born 1 September 1994) is a Danish professional footballer who plays for IK Brage in Superettan.
- Kristian Opseth
Kristian Fardal Opseth (born 6 January 1990) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a striker for Adelaide United.
- Kristian Bruun
Charles Kristian Bonnycastle Bruun (born October 25, 1979) is a Finnish Canadian actor.
- Kristian Kostov
Kristian Konstantinov Kostov (Bulgarian: Кристиан Константинов Костов, Russian: Кристиа́н Константи́нов Ко́стов; born 15 March 2000) is a Bulgarian-Russian singer.
- Kristian Pedersen
Kristian Pedersen (born 4 August 1994) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a defender for Championship club Birmingham City.
- Kristian Thorstvedt
Kristian Thorstvedt (born 13 March 1999) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Genk.
- Kristian Popovic
- Kristian Fulton
Kristian Fulton (born September 3, 1998) is an American football cornerback for the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Kristian Numerology: Name Kristian has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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