What does the name Koya mean? What is the meaning of the name Koya
Meaning of Koya: Name Koya in the Japanese origin, means A clever and quick witted leader. Name Koya is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Koya are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Koya (Namesakes)
- Mamukkoya
Mamukkoya (born 5 July 1946) is an Indian film actor known for his work in Malayalam cinema, and has also appeared in French film Flammens of Paradise.
- Koya Nishikawa
Koya Nishikawa (西川 公也, Nishikawa Kōya, born December 26, 1942) is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, a member of House of Representatives in the Diet (national legislature).
- Tadashi Koya
Tadashi Koya (小屋 禎, Koya Tadashi, born May 24, 1970) is a former Japanese football player.
- Inger
- Leonti
- Padrik
- Koya Urabe
Koya Urabe (卜部功也, Urabe Kōya) is a Japanese kickboxer, fighting out of Tokyo, Japan.
- Latheefa Koya
Latheefa Beebi Koya (Malayalam: ലത്തീഫ ബീവി കോയ, romanized: Latīpha Bībi Kēāya; born 4 February 1973), often called Kak Lat, is a Malaysian politician, lawyer and human rights activist currently serving as the fifth chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
- Moideen Koya
Moideen Koya (also known as Moideen Koya Kalleri Kandy or K. K. Moideen Koya) is an Indian media personality and marketing manager based in the UAE. He is currently serving as the Director of Media Relations for UAE Exchange, he is also an actor, writer, radio artist, television personality and an engineer.
- Móizes
- Magdá
- Lucka
- Peti
- Neza
- Mariná
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Koya Numerology: Name Koya has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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