What does the name Koren mean? What is the meaning of the name Koren
Meaning of Koren: Name Koren in the Greek, Hebrew origin, means Koren means Maiden. Name Koren is of Greek, Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Koren are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Koren (Namesakes)
- Koren Robinson
Koren Lynard Robinson (born March 19, 1980) is a former American football wide receiver who played in the National Football League (NFL) for eight seasons.
- Mike O'Koren
Michael F. O'Koren (born February 7, 1958) is an American basketball coach and former player and broadcaster originally from Jersey City, New Jersey.
- Robert Koren
Robert Koren (born 20 September 1980) is a Slovenian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Einar Riegelhuth Koren
Einar Riegelhuth Koren (born 12 November 1984) is a Norwegian handball player, currently playing for FCK Håndbold.
- Dani Koren
- Kristijan Koren
Kristijan Koren (born 25 November 1986) is a Slovenian professional road racing cyclist, who is currently suspended from the sport.
- Majda Koren
Majda Koren (born 12 March 1960) is a Slovene children's writer and teacher.
- Elad Koren
Elad Koren is a former Israeli footballer who played in Maccabi Netanya, Maccabi Haifa, Maccabi Ironi Ashdod and Maccabi Herzliya.
- Gal Koren
Gal Koren (born January 16, 1992) is a Slovenian professional ice hockey player who is currently under contract to HK Olimpija of the Alps Hockey League (AlpsHL).
Koren competed at the 2013 IIHF World Championship as a member of the Slovenia men's national ice hockey team.
- Daniel Koren
Daniel Koren is an Israeli musician, comedian and director.
- Nurit Koren
Nurit Koren (Hebrew: נורית קורן, born 24 February 1960) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.
- Aya Koren
Aya Steinovitz-Koren (Hebrew: איה שטיינוביץ-קורן, often known as simply Aya Koren (Hebrew: איה קורן) (born 27 October 1979) is an Israeli actress and model.
- Inna Koren
Inna Koren (née Izrailov, born 30 March 1964), is an Azerbaijan born American Woman International Master (WIM, 1986).
- Simona Koren
Simona Koren (born 23 March 1993) is an Austrian footballer who plays as a forward for Norwegian club LSK Kvinner and the Austria national team.
She started her career in FC Stattegg in 2008 where she scored 32 goals in 32 games as 16 year old striker.
- Helmut Koren
Helmut Koren (born 30 March 1958) is an Austrian ice hockey player.
- Günter Koren
Günter Koren (born 30 July 1962) is an Austrian ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Koren Numerology: Name Koren has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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