What does the name Kon mean? What is the meaning of the name Kon
Meaning of Kon: Name Kon in the Nordic origin, means Kon means Bold, Experienced. Name Kon is of Nordic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Kon (Namesakes)
- Song Tae-kon
Song Tae-kon (born September 8, 1986) is a Korean professional Go player.
- Kim Ho-kon
Kim Ho-kon (Korean: 김호곤; RR: Kim Ho-gon; born 26 March 1951) is a South Korean football manager and former football player who played as a sweeper or right back.
- Marko Kon
Marko "Mare" Kon (Serbian Cyrillic: Марко Кон; born 20 April 1972) is a Serbian recording artist.
- Chow Kon Yeow
Chow Kon Yeow (simplified Chinese: 曹观友; traditional Chinese: 曹觀友; pinyin: Cáo Guānyǒu; born 14 November 1958) is a Malaysian politician and the current Chief Minister of Penang.
- Yōsuke Kon
Yōsuke Kon (今洋祐) (born September 21, 1978) is a Japanese retired professional ice hockey Center.
- Kim Eui-kon
Kim Eui-kon (Korean: 김의곤; RR: Kim Ui-gon, born 24 January 1958) is a Korean former wrestler who competed in the 1984 Summer Olympics.
- Marie Kondo
Marie Kondo (近藤 麻理恵, Kondō Marie, the e is pronounced like é, born 9 October 1984), also known as Konmari (こんまり), is a Japanese organizing consultant, author, and TV show host.
Kondo has written four books on organising, which have collectively sold millions of copies around the world.
- Kon Arimura
Kon Fujimura (藤村 昆, Fujimura Kon, born July 2, 1976, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), known for his stage name Kon Arimura (有村 昆, Arimura Kon) is a Japanese radio personality, film critic, and film commentator who is represented by the talent agency Horipro.
- Natsumi Kon
Natsumi Kon (昆 夏美, Kon Natsumi, born 28 June 1991) is a Japanese musical actress and singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Kon Numerology: Name Kon has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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