What does the name Kola mean? What is the meaning of the name Kola
Meaning of Kola: Name Kola in the Greek origin, means Kola means Victor of People. Name Kola is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kola are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kola: Kola means Victor of People
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Famous people with name Kola (Namesakes)
- Bledar Kola
Bledar Kola (born 1 August 1972) is an Albanian retired football player.
- Agustin Kola
Agustin Kola (born 10 May 1959), is an Albanian professional football coach and retired player.
- Rodgers Kola
Rodgers Kola (born 4 July 1989) is a Zambian footballer who plays for the Zambian national team.
- Kola Ige
Kola Ige (born 28 December 1985 in Nigeria) is a Nigerian footballer.
- Kola Anubi
- Vashtie Kola
Vashtie Kola (often stylized as Va$htie; born April 23, 1981) is an American music video director, filmmaker, artist, designer, creative consultant and disc jockey.
- Kolawole Agodirin
Kolawole Oyelola Agodirin (born 2 March 1983) is a Nigerian footballer.
- Raimi Kola
Raimi Kola Kowiyu is a Nigeria-born naturalized Beninese national soccer team player.
- Kolas Yotaka
Kolas Yotaka (born 17 March 1974), formerly Yeh Guan-lin (Chinese: 葉冠伶) is an aboriginal Taiwanese politician and journalist.
- Mohammed Kola Balogun
Mohammed Kola Baogun (born 27 July 1956) also called Kola Balogun or KMB is a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria representing Oyo South senatorial district in Oyo State.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Kola Numerology: Name Kola has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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