What does the name Kirsten mean? What is the meaning of the name Kirsten
Meaning of Kirsten: Name Kirsten in the Danish, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Scottish origin, means Kirsten means a Christian. Name Kirsten is of Danish, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Scottish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kirsten are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kirsten (Namesakes)
- Kirsten Olson
Kirsten Olson (born October 20, 1991) is an American former figure skater and actress.
- Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Caroline Dunst (; born April 30, 1982) is an American actress.
- Kirsten Storms
Kirsten Renee Storms (born April 8, 1984) is an American actress and voice actress.
- Kirsten Imrie
Kirsten Fiona Imrie (born 26 October 1967 at St Mary Abbots Hospital, Kensington, London) is a former Page 3 girl, glamour model, and television presenter.
- Gary Kirsten
Gary Kirsten (born 23 November 1967) is a South African cricket coach and former cricketer.
- Ulf Kirsten
Ulf Kirsten (born 4 December 1965) is a German former professional footballer and manager, who played as a striker.
- Peter Kirsten
Peter Noel Kirsten (born 14 May 1955) is a former cricketer who represented South Africa in 12 Test matches and 40 One Day Internationals from 1991 to 1994.
- Kirsten Cooke
Kirsten Cooke (born 4 October 1952, in Cuckfield, West Sussex, England) is an English stage actress who trained at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art, London.
- Kirsten Vangsness
Kirsten Simone Vangsness (born July 7, 1972) is an American actress and writer.
- Kirsten Powers
Kirsten Anne Powers (born December 14, 1967) is an American author, columnist, and political analyst.
- Kirsten Nelson
Kirsten Nelson (born October 3, 1970) is an American actress and director best known for her role as police chief Karen Vick on the TV series Psych.
- Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand (née Rutnik; (listen) KEER-stən JIL-i-brand; born December 9, 1966) is an American lawyer and politician and a member of the Democratic Party.
- Kirsten Price (actress)
Kirsten Price (born November 13, 1981) is an American pornographic film actress, model, cable television show host and feature dancer.
- Kirsten Kemp
Kirsten Kemp Becker (born August 27, 1970) is an American actress and television presenter.
- Kirsten Haglund
Kirsten Iora Müller-Daubermann (née Haglund; born September 14, 1988) is a public speaker, eating disorder awareness activist, commentator, and president of the Kirsten Haglund Foundation.
- Kirsten Prout
Kirsten Prout Zien (born September 28, 1990) is a Canadian actress.
- Kirsten Lindholm
Kirsten Lindholm, born Kirsten Lindholm Andreassen on 1 September 1943 in Odense, Denmark, was a model and a film actress in Hammer horror movies, in which she first appeared as Kirsten Betts.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Kirsten Numerology: Name Kirsten has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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