What does the name Kiran mean? What is the meaning of the name Kiran
Meaning of Kiran: Name Kiran in the Sanskrit origin, means Ray Of Light, Dust, Sunbeam. Name Kiran is of Sanskrit origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Kiran are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kiran: Ray Of Light, Dust, Sunbeam
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Famous people with name Kiran (Namesakes)
- Kiran Chetry
Kiran Carrie Chetry (Nepali: किरण क्षेत्री, born August 26, 1974) is a former American television broadcast journalist who, until 2011, was a cable news anchor for CNN's American Morning.
- Kiran Bedi
Kiran Bedi (born 9 June 1949) is a retired Indian Police Service officer, social activist, former tennis player and politician who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
- Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (born 23 March 1953) is an Indian billionaire entrepreneur.
- Kiran More
Kiran Shankar More pronunciation (born 4 September 1962) is an Indian former cricketer and wicket-keeper for the Indian cricket team from 1984 to 1993.
- Kiran Desai
Kiran Desai (born 3 September 1971) is an Indian author.
- Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar (born 20 October 1953) is an Indian screen and theatre actor.
- Kiran Rathod
Kiran Rathod (born 11 January 1981) is an Indian film actress who has acted in Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada language films.
- Kiran Shah
Kiran Shah (born September 28, 1956) is a Kenyan-Indian actor and a stuntman.
- Sai Kiran Adivi
- Kiran Rao
Kiran Rao (born 7 November 1973) is an Indian film producer, screenwriter and director.
- Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy
Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy (born 13 September 1960) is an Indian politician who served as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
- Raj Kiran (actor)
Raj Kiran Mahtani (born 5 February 1949) is a former Indian actor who is recognised for his work in Bollywood.
- Sai Kiran
Sai Kiran Ram (born 8 May 1978) is an Indian film and television actor who works in the Telugu films.
- Kiran Chemjong
Kiran Chemjong (Nepali: किरण चेम्जोङ) also known as Kiran Kumar Limbu (born 24 March 1990) is a Nepali footballer who plays as a Goalkeeper for Punjab and Nepal national football team.
- Kiran Srinivas
Kiran Srinivas (born March 25, 1985) is an Indian television and film actor.
- Kiran Choudhry
Kiran Choudhary (born 5 June 1955) is an Indian National Congress politician.
- Kiran Jassal
Kiranmeet Kaur Jassal (Punjabi: ਕਿਰਨ ਜੱਸਲ, romanized: Kirana jasala; born 13 March 1996), commonly known as Kiran Jassal, is a Malaysian model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Malaysia 2016.
- D. R. K. Kiran
D. R. K. Kiran is an Indian actor and art director who works primarily in Tamil Cinema.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Kiran Numerology: Name Kiran has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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