What does the name Kian mean? What is the meaning of the name Kian
Meaning of Kian: Name Kian in the Irish, English origin, means Kian means Archaic, Acient. Name Kian is of Irish, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kian are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kian (Namesakes)
- Bijan Kian
Bijan R. Kian, sometimes written Bijan Rafiekian, is an Iranian-American businessman.
- Koh Eng Kian
Koh Eng Kian (born 1 November 1956) is a Singaporean judoka.
- Kian Egan
Kian John Francis Egan (born 29 April 1980) is an Irish singer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter, best known as a member of International vocal group Westlife.
- Kian Tajbakhsh
Kian Tajbakhsh (Persian: کیان تاجبخش, born January 25, 1962) is an Iranian-American scholar, social scientist, and urban planner.
- Kian Hansen
Kian H. Hansen (born 3 March 1989) is Danish professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for FC Nordsjælland.
- Kian Kazemi
Kian Reza Kazemi (born January 26, 1986) is an Iranian-Filipino actor, reality show contestant and TV host.
- Ong Kian Ming
- Kian Emadi
Kian Emadi-Coffin (born 29 July 1992) is a British track cyclist.
- Kian Lawley
Kian Robert Lawley (born September 2, 1995) is an American YouTuber and actor.
- Kian Andersen
Kian Andersen (born 16 October 1991) is a Danish male badminton player.
- Kian (musician)
Kian Maxwell Bytyci Brownfield (born 14 July 2002), known professionally as Kian (stylised as KIAN; pronounced "Key-ahn") is an Australian singer and songwriter from Castlemaine, Victoria.
- Kian84
Kim Hee-Min (born 22 October 1984), better known by his pen name Kian84 (기안84), is a South Korean manhwaga.
- Kian Harratt
Kian Shay Harratt (born 21 June 2002) is an English professional footballer who plays for Harrogate Town, on loan from Huddersfield Town as a striker.
- Kian Slor
Kian Slor (born 23 March 2002) is a Dutch footballer who plays as a forward for Groningen.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Kian Numerology: Name Kian has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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