What does the name Keung mean? What is the meaning of the name Keung?
Meaning of Keung: Name Keung in the Chinese origin, means Keung name means Universe. Name Keung is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Keung are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Keung (Namesakes)
- Tang Wing Keung
Tang Wing Keung (born 10 January 1956) is a Hong Kong fencer.
- Wong Ka Keung
Steve Wong Ka Keung (Chinese: 黃家強; born 13 November 1964) is a Hong Kong musician, singer, songwriter and the bassist for the rock band Beyond.
- Sham Kwok Keung
Sham Kwok Keung (Chinese: 沈國強; Jyutping: sam2 gwok3 koeng4, born 10 September 1985 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong footballer who currently plays for Hong Kong First Division club Citizen.
- Lau Chi Keung
Sanvel Lau Chi Keung (Chinese: 劉志強; Jyutping: lau4 zi3 koeng4; born 7 January 1977) is a Hong Kong former professional football player and the current assistant coach of Hong Kong Premier League club Tai Po.
- So Loi Keung
So Loi Keung (Chinese: 蘇來強; Jyutping: sou1 loi4 koeng4; born 27 October 1982 in Hong Kong) is a former professional football player.
- Cho Keung-yeon
Cho Keung-Yeon (Korean: 조긍연, born on March 18, 1961) is a former South Korea football player.
- Kwok Wai-keung
Aron Kwok Wai-keung (Chinese: 郭偉强) is a current member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, representing the Hong Kong Island, which he was elected to in the 2016 LegCo election.
- Chan Kwok-keung
Chan Kwok-keung, JP (born 17 January 1946, in Huizhou, Guangdong, China) was the member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong in 1998–2004 for the Labour constituency.
- Chung Wai Keung
Chung Wai Keung (Chinese: 鍾偉強; born 21 October 1995 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong professional football player who plays as a forward for Hong Kong Premier League club Eastern.
- Philip Keung
Philip Keung Ho-man (Chinese: 姜皓文; born 26 October 1966) is a Hong Kong actor and film producer.
- Wong Chi-keung
Wong Chi-keung (born 8 July 1936) is a Taiwanese footballer.
- Ha Tae-keung
Ha Tae-keung (Korean: 하태경, born 26 April 1968) is South Korean activist and politician serving as a member of National Assembly in Haeundae 1st constituency.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Keung Numerology: Name Keung has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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