What does the name Keren mean? What is the meaning of the name Keren
Meaning of Keren: Name Keren in the Hebrew origin, means Kerem means Vineyard. Name Keren is of Hebrew origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Keren are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Keren (Namesakes)
- Keren Woodward
Keren Jane Woodward (born 2 April 1961) is an English pop singer and songwriter and founding member of the British girl group Bananarama, along with Sara Dallin and Siobhan Fahey.
- Keren Ann
Keren Ann Zeidel (Hebrew: קרן אן זיידל born 10 March 1974 ) known professionally as Keren Ann (קרן אן), is an Israeli-born singer, songwriter, composer, producer, and engineer based largely in Paris, Tel Aviv, and New York City.
- Keren Peles
Keren Peles Toor (Hebrew: קרן פלס טור; born March 11, 1979) is an Israeli singer-songwriter, poet and pianist.
- Keren Ugle
Keren Ugle (born 7 July 1979) is an Australian rules footballer who played for the Fremantle Dockers.
- Keren Craig
Keren Craig (born 27 February 1976 in Lucerne, Switzerland) is an Swiss-born British fashion designer.
- Keren Mor
Keren Mor (Hebrew: קרן מור; born December 30, 1964) is an Israeli actress and comedian.
- Keren Leibovitch
Keren Or Leibovitch (Hebrew: קרן לייבוביץ) (also Keren Or Leybovitch; born July 25, 1973) is an Israeli champion Paralympic swimmer.
Leibovitch is a three-time world champion, a five-time European champion, a holder of three world records (for the 100-meter and 200-meter backstroke and the 100-meter freestyle), and an eight-time Paralympic medal winner.
- Keren Shlomo
Keren Shlomo (Hebrew: קרן שלמה; born 14 January 1988 in Tel Aviv) is an retirement Israeli tennis player.
- Keren Siebner
- Keren Regal
Keren Regal (קרן רגאל; born January 23, 1977) is an Israeli former Olympic swimmer.
She competed for Israel at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, at the age of 15.
- Keren Goor
Keren Goor (or Karen, Hebrew: קרן גור; born 28 July 1998) is an Israeli footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Israel women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Keren Numerology: Name Keren has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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