What does the name Kerem mean? What is the meaning of the name Kerem
Meaning of Kerem: Name Kerem in the English origin, means Kerbie means Church Village. Name Kerem is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kerem are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Kerem (Namesakes)
- Kerem Kabadayı
Kerem Kabadayı (born 20 December 1977) is a Turkish writer and musician (drummer).
- Kerem Tunçeri
Mehmet Kerem Tunçeri (born April 14, 1979) is a Turkish former professional basketball player who played at the point guard and shooting guard positions.
- Kerem Gönlüm
Kerem Gönlüm (born November 22, 1977) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Sigortam.net İTÜ Basket of the Turkish Basketball League.
- Keremcem
Kerem Cem Dürük (born 28 December 1977), known professionally as Keremcem, is a Turkish pop singer and actor.
- Kerem Şeras
Kerem Şeras (born 1 January 1984 in Ankara, Turkey) is a Turkish football player.
- Kerem Özyeğen
Mazhar Kerem Özyeğen (born on 26 September 1977 in İstanbul, Turkey) is the lead guitarist and one of the backing singers in the Turkish rock group Mor ve Ötesi.
- Kerem Bulut
Kerem Bulut (born 3 February 1992) is an Australian professional football player.
- Kerem İnan
Kerem İnan (born 25 March 1980) is a Turkish professional football goalkeeper who plays for Erokspor.
- Kerem Hotiç
Kerem Hotiç (born April 25, 1993) is a Turkish professional basketball player who currently plays for Olin Edirne of the Turkish Basketball League.
- Karim El-Kerem
Karim El Kerem (born November 2, 1987) is an American actor.
- Kerem Demirbay
Kerem Demirbay (born 3 July 1993) is a professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Bundesliga club Bayer 04 Leverkusen.
- Dana Kerem
Dana Kerem (born 11 September 1986) is an Israeli football defender currently playing in the Ligat Nashim Rishona for ASA Tel Aviv University, with which she had also played in the Champions League.
- Kerem Akyüz
Kerem Can Akyüz (born 1 July 1989) is a Turkish footballer who currently plays for Bursaspor.
- Kerem Bürsin
Kerem Bürsin (born 4 June 1987) is a Turkish actor and model known for TV shows Güneşi Beklerken (2013−2014) and Şeref Meselesi (2014−2015).
- Kerem Bülbül
- Kerem Alışık
Kerem Alışık (born 5 June 1960) is a Turkish actor and television presenter.
- Kerem Kanter
Kerem Kanter (born April 29, 1995) is a Turkish basketball player for Club Joventut Badalona of the Liga ACB. He played college basketball for Wisconsin–Green Bay and the Xavier Musketeers.
- Kerem Baykuş
Kerem Baykuş (born 5 February 2000) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Trabzonspor.
- Kerem Kalafat
Kerem Kalafat (born 9 March 2001) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a right back for Beşiktaş.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Kerem Numerology: Name Kerem has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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