What does the name Kenyon mean? What is the meaning of the name Kenyon
Meaning of Kenyon: Name Kenyon in the Gaelic, United States, English origin, means Kenyon means Blonde, White haired. Name Kenyon is of Gaelic, United States, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kenyon are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Kenyon (Namesakes)
- Kenyon Martin
Kenyon Lee Martin Sr. (born December 30, 1977) is an American former professional basketball player who played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Tom Kenyon
Thomas Richard Kenyon (born 26 February 1972) is a former Australian politician who represented the South Australian House of Assembly seat of Newland for the Labor Party from the 2006 election until his defeat in 2018.
- Kenyon Coleman
Kenyon Octavia Coleman (born April 10, 1979) is a former American football defensive end in the National Football League for the Oakland Raiders, Dallas Cowboys, New York Jets, Cleveland Browns and New Orleans Saints.
- Cynthia Kenyon
Cynthia Jane Kenyon (February 21, 1954) is an American molecular biologist and biogerontologist known for her genetic dissection of aging in a widely used model organism, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).
- Kenyon Rasheed
Kenyon Rasheed is a former National Football League running back for the New York Giants.
- Kay Kenyon
Kay Kenyon (born July 2, 1956) is an American science fiction and fantasy writer currently living in Wenatchee, Washington.
- Roger Kenyon
Roger Kenyon (born 4 January 1949) is an English footballer who played for Everton between 1967 and 1979.
- Alex Kenyon
Alexander George Kenyon (born 17 July 1992) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for Morecambe.
- Kenyon McNeail
Kenyon Tarrell McNeail (born March 22, 1991) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for Kangoeroes Willebroek of the Belgian Basketball League.
- Matt Kenyon (basketball)
Matthew Dylan Kenyon (born 8 February 1998) is an Australian professional basketball player for the South Bay Lakers of the NBA G League.
- Kenyon Martin Jr.
Kenyon Lee Martin Jr. (born January 6, 2001) is an American basketball player who attended IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Kenyon Numerology: Name Kenyon has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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