What does the name Kentaro mean? What is the meaning of the name Kentaro
Meaning of Kentaro: Name Kentaro in the Japanese origin, means Kentaro means Big Man. Big Boy. Name Kentaro is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kentaro are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Kentaro (Namesakes)
- Kentaro Miura
Kentaro Miura (三浦 建太郎, Miura Kentarō, born 11 July 1966) is a Japanese manga artist best known for his popular dark fantasy manga Berserk.
- Kentaro Sato
Kentaro Sato (佐藤 賢太郎, Satō Kentarō, born 12 May 1981), aka Ken-P, is an award-winning composer/conductor/orchestrator/clinician of media music (Film/TV/Game) and concert music (Symphonic and Choral).
- Kentaro Yabuki
Kentaro Yabuki (矢吹 健太朗, Yabuki Kentarō, born February 4, 1980) is a Japanese manga artist and illustrator, best known as the creator of Black Cat and co-creator of To Love Ru with Saki Hasemi.
- Kentaro Oi
Kentaro Oi (大井 健太郎, Ōi Kentarō, born May 14, 1984) is a Japanese football player who plays for Júbilo Iwata.
- Kentaro Asahi
Kentaro Asahi (朝日健太郎, Asahi Kentarō, born September 19, 1975) is a Japanese professional beach volleyball player and politician.
- Kentaro Sakai
Kentaro Sakai (栄井 健太郎, Sakai Kentaro, born May 19, 1975) is a former Japanese football player.
- Kentaro Ishikawa
Kentaro Ishikawa (石川 健太郎, Ishikawa Kentaro, born February 12, 1970) is a former Japanese football player.
- Kentaro Uramoto
Kentaro Uramoto (浦本 賢太郎, Uramoto Kentaro, born November 13, 1982) is a former Japanese football player.
- Kentaro Nakata
Kentaro Nakata (中田 健太郎, Tanaka Kentarō, born May 13, 1989) is a former Japanese football player.
- Kentaro Sekimoto
Kentaro Sekimoto (関本賢太郎, born August 26, 1978 in Okazaki, Aichi) is a Japanese professional baseball infielder for the Hanshin Tigers in Japan's Nippon Professional Baseball.
- Kentaro Nakamoto
Kentaro Nakamoto (Japanese: 中本 健太郎, Hepburn: Nakamoto Kentarō, born 7 December 1982) is a Japanese long-distance runner who competes in marathon races.
- Kentaro Kyuko
Kentaro Kyuko (久古 健太郎, Kyūko Kentarō, born May 16, 1986 in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan) is a professional Japanese baseball player.
- Kentaro Hashimoto
Kentaro Hashimoto (橋本 健太郎, Hashimoto Kentarō, born April 28, 1980) is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher.
- Kentaro Takahashi
Kentaro Takahashi (高橋 健太郎, Takahashi Kentarō, born (1995-02-08)8 February 1995) is a Japanese male volleyball player.
- Kentaro Sakaguchi
Kentaro Sakaguchi (坂口 健太郎, Sakaguchi Kentarō, born July 11, 1991) is a Japanese model and actor.
- Kentaro Gunji
- Kentaro Kai
Kentaro Kai (甲斐 健太郎, Kai Kentarō, born November 1, 1994) is a Japanese football player.
- Kentaro Wada
Kentaro Wada (和田 健太郎, Wada Kentaro, born June 28, 1996) is a Japanese football player.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Kentaro Numerology: Name Kentaro has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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