What does the name Kendall mean? What is the meaning of the name Kendall
Meaning of Kendall: Name Kendall in the English origin, means Kendall means From the Bright Valley of Kent River. Name Kendall is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kendall are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kendall: Kendall means From the Bright Valley of Kent River
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Famous people with name Kendall (Namesakes)
- Pete Kendall
Peter Marcus "Pete" Kendall (born July 9, 1973) is a former American football guard.
- Jason Kendall
Jason Daniel Kendall (born June 26, 1974) is an American former professional baseball catcher.
- Kendall Windham
Kendell Wayne Windham (born December 15, 1967) is an American retired professional wrestler, better known by his ring name, Kendall Windham.
- Jo Kendall
Josephine May Kendall, born 17 February 1938 in Spalding, in the Parts of Holland division of Lincolnshire, England, is a British actress of radio, theatre, television and film, voice artist and writer.
- Kendall Gill
Kendall Cedric Gill (born May 25, 1968) is an American retired professional basketball player who now works as a television basketball analyst.
- Kendall Grove
Kendall Grove (born November 12, 1982) is an American mixed martial artist who is currently signed to Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship.
- Bridget Kendall
Bridget Kendall (born 27 April 1956) is an English journalist who was the BBC's Diplomatic correspondent working for the corporation's radio and television networks.
- Suzy Kendall
Suzy Kendall (born Freda Harriet Harrison, 1 January 1944; some sources indicate 1937) is a retired British actress best known for her film roles in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
- Sarah Kendall
Sarah Kendall (born 3 August 1976) is an Australian comedian from Newcastle, New South Wales, now living in London.
- Kendall Waston
Kendall Jamaal Waston Manley (born 1 January 1988) is a Costa Rican footballer who plays as a defender for FC Cincinnati and the Costa Rica national football team.
- Kendall Jenner
Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995) is an American model and media personality.
- Kendall Schmidt
Kendall Francis Schmidt (born November 2, 1990) is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, music producer and actor.
- Liz Kendall
Elizabeth Louise Kendall (born 11 June 1971) is a British Labour Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Leicester West since 2010.
- Kendall Marshall
Kendall Dewan Marshall (born August 19, 1991) is an American basketball coach and former professional player.
- Kendall Wright
Kendall Thomas Wright (born November 12, 1989) is an American football wide receiver who is a free agent.
- Lee Kendall
Lee Mark Kendall (born 8 January 1981) is a Welsh football coach and former player, who played as a goalkeeper.
- Kendall Fuller
Kendall Christopher Fuller (born February 13, 1995) is an American football cornerback for the Washington Redskins of the National Football League (NFL).
- Kendall Sheffield
Kendall Sheffield (born May 30, 1996) is an American football cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL).
- Kendall Lamm
Kendall Lamm (born June 5, 1992) is an American football offensive tackle for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Kendall Numerology: Name Kendall has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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