What does the name Keiji mean? What is the meaning of the name Keiji
Meaning of Keiji: Name Keiji in the Japanese origin, means Keiji means Respect, Two, or Governs with Discretion. Name Keiji is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Keiji are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Keiji (Namesakes)
- Keiji Mutoh
Keiji Muto (武藤 敬司, Mutō Keiji, born December 23, 1962) is a Japanese professional wrestler who first gained international fame in various National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) territories.
- Keiji Haino
Keiji Haino (灰野 敬二 Haino Keiji; born May 3, 1952) is a Japanese musician and singer-songwriter whose work has included rock, free improvisation, noise music, percussion, psychedelic music, minimalism and drone music.
- Keiji Inafune
Keiji Inafune (稲船 敬二, Inafune Keiji, born 8 May 1965) is a Japanese video game producer, illustrator and businessman.
- Keiji Gotoh
Keiji Gotoh (後藤圭二, Gotō Keiji, born November 4, 1968) is a Japanese anime director, character designer, manga artist, and member of three man production team gímik whose works include Kiddy Grade and Uta Kata.
- Keiji Tamada
- Keiji Suzuki
Keiji Suzuki (鈴木桂治, Suzuki Keiji, born June 3, 1980 in Jōsō, Ibaraki) is a Japanese judoka.
- Keiji Kokuta
Keiji Kokuta (穀田 恵二, Kokuta Keiji, born 11 January 1947) is a Japanese politician and member of the House of Representatives for the Japanese Communist Party.
- Keiji Yamada
Keiji Yamada (山田 啓二, Yamada Keiji, born 5 April 1954) is a Japanese politician and former Governor of Kyoto Prefecture.
- Keiji Yoshimura
Keiji Yoshimura (吉村 圭司, Yoshimura Keiji, born August 8, 1979) is a former Japanese football player.
- Keiji Watanabe
Keiji Watanabe (渡邊 圭二, Watanabe Keiji, born January 28, 1985) is a former Japanese football player.
- Keiji Ishizuka
Keiji Ishizuka (石塚 啓次, Ishizuka Keiji, born August 26, 1974) is a former Japanese football player.
- Keiji Koizumi
Keiji Koizumi (小泉 圭二, Koizumi Keiji, born July 28, 1976) is a former Japanese football player.
- Keiji Tanaka
Keiji Tanaka (田中 刑事, Tanaka Keiji, born November 22, 1994) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Keiji Kikkawa
Keiji Kikkawa (吉川 圭二, Kikkawa Keiji, October 01, 1935-July 01, 2013) was a Japanese theoretical physicist.
- Keiji Inai
Keiji Inai (井内 啓二, Inai Keiji, born March 17, 1976) is a Japanese composer, arranger and orchestrator best known for his work in anime and video games.
- Keiji Kojima
Keiji Kojima (小嶋 敬二, Kojima Keiji, born 9 November 1969) is a Japanese cyclist.
- Keiji Kuroki
Keiji Kuroki (黒木 啓司, Kuroki Keiji, born 21 January 1980, in Miyazaki Prefecture) is a Japanese dancer and actor.
- Keiji Shigetomi
- Keiji Okuyama
Keiji Okuyama (奥山 恵二, Okuyama Keiji, born 18 December 1968) is a Japanese wrestler.
- Keiji Takahashi
Keiji Takahashi (高橋 奎二, Takahashi Keiji, born May 14, 1997 in Kameoka, Kyoto, Japan) is a professional Japanese baseball player.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Keiji Numerology: Name Keiji has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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