What does the name Keeley mean? What is the meaning of the name Keeley
Meaning of Keeley: Name Keeley in the Gaelic origin, means The meaning of the name is Frail. Name Keeley is of Gaelic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Keeley (Namesakes)
- Keeley Davis
Keeley Davis (born January 4, 1976) is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter and graphic designer.
- Keeley Hawes
Keeley Clare Julia Hawes (born 10 February 1976) is an English actress, born in London and educated at the Sylvia Young Theatre School.
- Barbara Keeley
Barbara Mary Keeley (born 26 March 1952) is a British Labour Party politician who has been a Member of Parliament (MP) since 2005, first for Worsley and then for Worsley and Eccles South since 2010.
- Keeley Hazell
Keeley Rebecca Hazell (born 18 September 1986) is an English model, musician, singer and actress.
- Fred Keeley
Fred Keeley (born May 9, 1950) is a politician in California, U.S. Keeley was a member of the California State Assembly, representing District 27 which included parts of Santa Cruz County and Monterey County from 1996 to 2002.
- Damian Keeley
Damian Keeley (born 14 February 1963) is an English former professional footballer, born in Salford, who played in the Football League for Torquay United.
Keeley, a forward, joined Frank O'Farrell's Torquay United in September 1981, making his debut, as a substitute for Willie Young, on 27 March 1982 in a 2–1 home win against Rochdale.
- Edmund Keeley
Edmund Leroy "Mike" Keeley (born February 5, 1928) is a prize-winning novelist, translator, and essayist, a poet, and Charles Barnwell Straut Professor Emeritus of English at Princeton University.
- John Keeley
John Henry Keeley (born 27 July 1961) is an English former footballer who played as a goalkeeper in the Football League.
- Keeley Todd
Keeley William Martin Todd is a New Zealand cricketer who plays for the Auckland Aces.
- Keeley Donovan
Keeley Emma Donovan (born 14 May 1983) is an English journalist and broadcaster, currently working for the BBC as a weather presenter for television and radio stations in the North of England.
- Yvonne Keeley
Yvonne Keeley (born Yvonne Paaij, 6 September 1952) is a Dutch pop music singer.
- Glenn Keeley
Glenn Matthew Keeley (born 1 September 1954 in Barking, Essex) is an English retired footballer who played as a central defender in the Football League.
- Helene Keeley
Helene M. Keeley (born May 15, 1965) is an American politician.
- Earl Keeley
Clarence Keeley (born May 15, 1936) is a former Canadian football quarterback who played six seasons in the Canadian Football League with the BC Lions and Montreal Alouettes.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Keeley Numerology: Name Keeley has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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