What does the name Kaushik mean? What is the meaning of the name Kaushik
Meaning of Kaushik: Name Kaushik in the Indian origin, means The Feeling of Love, Sentiment Of Love, Vishwamitra. Name Kaushik is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kaushik are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kaushik: The Feeling of Love, Sentiment Of Love, Vishwamitra
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Famous people with name Kaushik (Namesakes)
- Kaushik Basu
Kaushik Basu (born 9 January 1952) is an Indian economist who was Chief Economist of the World Bank from 2012 to 2016.
- Kaushik Sen
Kaushik Sen (born 19 September 1968) is an Indian actor of film, television and theatre based in Kolkata.
- Kavita Kaushik
Kavita Kaushik (born 15 February 1981) is an Indian actress.
- Kaushik Patel
Kaushik Narshibhai Patel (born 8 October 1963) is a Kenyan born former English cricketer.
- Kaushik Reddy
Kaushik Reddy (born 21 December 1984) is an Indian former cricketer.
- Shivil Kaushik
Shivil Sharma Kaushik (born 7 September 1995) is an Indian cricketer who plays for Hubli Tigers in Karnataka Premier League and had played for Gujarat Lions in Indian Premier League.
He made his Twenty20 debut as well as Indian Premier League debut for Gujarat Lions against Rising Pune Supergiants at Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune on 29 April 2016.
- Dinesh Kaushik (politician)
Dinesh Kaushik (born 13 April 1960) is an independent politician and current Member of Legislative Assembly in Haryana, India.
- Dharamlal Kaushik
Dharamlal Kaushik (born 1 February 1958) is an Indian politician from the Bharatiya Janta Party and the 3rd speaker of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly from 2009 to 2014.
- Kaushik Ganguly
Kaushik Ganguly is an Indian director, screenwriter and actor in Bengali cinema.
- Dinesh Kaushik
Dinesh Kaushik (born 27 May 1957) is an Indian actor.
- Kaushik Ghatak
Kaushik Ghatak began his career in the entertainment industry in India on 14 February 1998 as an apprentice assistant to the prominent filmmaker, Anurag Basu.
- Kaushik Banerjee
Kaushik Banerjee (Bengali: কৌশিক ব্যানার্জী) is an Indian actor who is known for his work in Bengali cinema.
- Kaushik Gandhi
Kaushik Gandhi (born 23 November 1990) is an Indian Coder.
- Madan Kaushik
Madan Kaushik is an Indian politician from Bharatiya Janata Party.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Kaushik Numerology: Name Kaushik has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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