What does the name Katrín mean? What is the meaning of the name Katrín?
Meaning of Katrín: Name Katrín in the Icelandic origin, means Icelandic version of Catherine, meaning pure.. Name Katrín is of Icelandic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Katrín are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Katrín (Namesakes)
- Katrin Loo
Katrin Loo is an Estonian footballer.
- Katrin Šmigun
Katrin Šmigun (born 21 October 1979) is an Estonian cross-country skier.
- Katrin Baaske
- Katrin Krabbe
Katrin Krabbe (later Zimmermann, born 22 November 1969) is a German former track and field athlete.
- Katrin Sass
Katrin Sass (for a time Katrin Saß) is a German actress.
- Katrin Göring-Eckardt
Katrin Dagmar Göring-Eckardt (born Katrin Dagmar Eckardt; 3 May 1966) is a German politician from the German Green Party (officially known as Alliance '90/The Greens; German: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).
- Katrin Heß
Katrin Heß (pronounced: Katrin Hess, born 26 June 1985) is a German actress, model and voice-over artist.
- Katrin Zytomierska
Katrin Zytomierska (born 17 September 1977) is a Swedish blogger, columnist, television host, and businesswoman.
- Ann-Katrin Berger
Ann-Katrin Berger (born 9 October 1990) is a German professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for English club Chelsea and the German national team.
- Katrin Schmidt
Katrin Schmidt (born 21 June 1986) is a Swedish (former German) footballer who plays as a midfielder for Djurgårdens IF of the Swedish Damallsvenskan.
- Katrin Pärn
Katrin Pärn (born 20 May 1977) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress and singer.
- Katrin Klujber
Katrin Klujber (born 21 April 1999) is a Hungarian handballer who plays for Ferencvárosi TC and the Hungarian national handball team.
She made her international debut on 24 March 2019 against Japan.
- Katrin Sjögren
Katrin Sjögren (born 2 February 1966) is a Finnish politician from the Åland Islands.
- Katrin Petersmann
Katrin Petersmann (born 19 July 1967) is a German rower.
- Katrin Gray
Katrin Gray, (born May 9, 1985) professionally known as Mermaid Kat, is a scuba diving instructor and model, best known in modern mermaiding.
- Katrin Peterhans
Katrin Peterhans (born March 28, 1962) is a former Swiss female curler.
- Katrin Eggenberger
Katrin Eggeneberger (born 8 September 1982) is a Swiss-Liechtensteiner academic and politician who has been Foreign Minister of Liechtenstein since November 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Katrín Numerology: Name Katrín has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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