What does the name Katja mean? What is the meaning of the name Katja
Meaning of Katja: Name Katja in the Russian, German origin, means Katja means Neat, Natural, Pure. Name Katja is of Russian, German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Katja are usually Sikh by religion.
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Famous people with name Katja (Namesakes)
- Katja Herbers
Katja Mira Herbers (born October 19, 1980) is a Dutch actress.
- Katja Ebstein
Katja Ebstein (born Karin Witkiewicz; 9 March 1945) is a German singer.
- Katja Kipping
Katja Kipping (born 18 January 1978) is a German socialist politician of The Left and member of the Bundestag representing Saxony.
- Katja Kassin
Katja Kassin (born 24 September 1979) is a German pornographic actress.
- Katja Riemann
Katja Hannchen Leni Riemann (born 1 November 1963 in Weyhe-Kirchweyhe, West Germany) is a German actress.
- Katja von Garnier
Katja von Garnier (born 15 December 1966 in Wiesbaden) is a German film director.
- Katja Schuurman
Katja Schuurman (born 19 February 1975) is a Dutch actress, singer and television personality.
- Katja Woywood
Katja Woywood (born 10 May 1971 in West Berlin, West Germany) is a German actress and former child star in her native land.
- Katja Nyberg
Katja Johanna Alice Nyberg (born 24 August 1979) is a naturalized Norwegian handball player, currently retired.
- Katja K
Katja K, also known as Katja Kean and Sussi la Cour Dollenz (born 7 February 1968 in Denmark as Sussi la Cour), is a Danish former pornographic actress, businesswoman, actress, singer, author, and media personality.
- Katja Požun
Katja Požun (born 7 April 1993) is a Slovenian former ski jumper who competed from 2004 to 2018.
She made her World Cup debut on 3 December 2011 in Lillehammer, Norway.
- Katja Ziliox
Katja Ziliox (also Zillox; born 25 April 1970) is a retired German swimmer who won a bronze medal at the 1989 European Aquatics Championships.
- Katja Restović
Katja Restovic (11 January 1964) Croatian theatre, movie and music video director.
- Katja Glieson
Katja-Angelique Glieson, better known as Katja Glieson, is an Australian-German recording artist from Melbourne, Australia.
- Katja Kankaanpää
Katja Kankaanpää (Finnish: [ˈkɑtjɑ ˈkɑŋkɑːnpæː], born June 30, 1981) is a Finnish former mixed martial artist who competed in the strawweight division.
- Katja Beer
Katja Beer (born 10 October 1976) is a German biathlete.
- Katja Toivola
Katja Aili Maria Toivola (born October 27, 1975, Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish ex-patriate musician living in New Orleans.
- Katja Kallio
Katja Elina Kallio (born 17 September 1968) is a Finnish novelist, journalist, columnist and screenwriter, and has written books about film and a children's book.
- Katja Gauriloff
Katja Gauriloff (born December 6, 1972) is a Finnish-Skolt filmmaker, director, and one of the owners of the Finnish production company Oktober.
- Katja Stokholm
Katja Stokholm (born June 19, 1996 in Odense) is a Danish model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Denmark 2019 pageant and will represent Denmark at the Miss Universe 2019 pageant.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Katja Numerology: Name Katja has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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