What does the name Kathryn mean? What is the meaning of the name Kathryn
Meaning of Kathryn: Name Kathryn in the Greek origin, means The name means Simple and True. Name Kathryn is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kathryn are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Kathryn (Namesakes)
- Kathryn Bigelow
Kathryn Ann Bigelow (; born November 27, 1951) is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter.
- Kathryn Morris
Kathryn Susan Morris (born January 28, 1969) is an American actress, best known for her lead role as Detective Lilly Rush in the CBS series Cold Case.
- Kathryn Hays
Kathryn Hays (born Kay Piper, July 26, 1933) is an American actress, best known for her role as Kim Hughes on the CBS soap opera, As the World Turns from 1972 to 2010.
- Kathryn Apanowicz
Kathryn Apanowicz (born 3 June 1960, Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire), is a British actress.
- Kathryn Erbe
Kathryn Elsbeth Erbe (born July 5, 1965) is an American actress known for her role as Detective Alexandra Eames on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, a spin-off of Law & Order, and death row inmate Shirley Bellinger in the HBO series Oz.
- Kathryn Crosby
- Kathryn Harrold
Kathryn Harrold (born August 2, 1950) is an American counselor and retired film actress, best known for her female leading roles in films The Hunter (1980), Modern Romance (1981), The Pursuit of D. B. Cooper (1981), Yes, Giorgio (1982), and Raw Deal (1986).
- Kathryn Hahn
Kathryn Hahn (born July 23, 1973) is an American actress and comedian.
- Kathryn Beaumont
Kathryn Beaumont (born 27 June 1938) is a retired English actress, singer and former school teacher.
- Kathryn Graf
Kathryn Graf (born Kathryn MacDonald, August 13, 1958) is an American actress.
- Kathryn Prescott
Kathryn Prescott (born 4 June 1991) is an English actress best known for playing Emily Fitch on the teen drama television series Skins and Carter Stevens in the 2014 MTV drama Finding Carter.
- Kathryn Walker
Kathryn Walker (born January 9, 1943) is an American theater, television and film actress.
- Kathryn Grody
Kathryn Janis Grody (born November 6, 1946) is an American actress and writer.
- Kathryn Newton
Kathryn Love Newton (born February 8, 1997) is an American actress, best known for her role as Allie Pressman in the Netflix TV series The Society, Abigail Carlson in Big Little Lies and Louise Brooks in the CBS television series Gary Unmarried.
- Kathryn Bernardo
Kathryn Chandria Manuel Bernardo (born March 26, 1996) is a Filipina actress who became known for her role as Mara in the TV series Mara Clara (2010–2011).
- Kathryn Gallagher
Kathryn Gallagher (born July 23, 1993) is an American singer and actress best known for her portrayal of Bella Fox in the Broadway musical Jagged Little Pill.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Kathryn Numerology: Name Kathryn has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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