What does the name Katelyn mean? What is the meaning of the name Katelyn
Meaning of Katelyn: Name Katelyn in the Greek origin, means The meaning of the name is She who is Pure. Name Katelyn is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Katelyn are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Katelyn (Namesakes)
- Katelyn Tarver
Katelyn Tarver (born November 2, 1989) is an American actress and singer.
- Katelyn Pippy
Katelyn Pippy (born April 12, 1993) is an American actress, best known for her role as Emmalin Holden on the Lifetime television drama Army Wives.
- Katelyn Ohashi
Katelyn Michelle Ohashi (born April 12, 1997) is an American former artistic gymnast who competed for the University of California, Los Angeles.
- Katelyn Good
Katelyn Good (born November 8, 1990) is a Canadian ice dancer who competed internationally for Denmark with Nikolaj Sørensen, winning the 2010 Danish national championship.
Good and Sørensen trained in the United States with Mathew Gates.
- Katelyn Rowland
Katelyn Morgan Rowland (born March 16, 1994) is an American soccer goalkeeper who currently plays for the North Carolina Courage in the National Women's Soccer League.
- Katelyn Nacon
Katelyn May Nacon (born June 11, 1999) is an American actress.
- Katelyn Gosling
Katelyn Gosling (born October 5, 1993) is a Canadian women's ice hockey player.
- Katelyn Pope
Katelyn Pope is an Australian cricketer who plays as a left arm swing bowler for South Australian Scorpions and Adelaide Strikers.
Pope made her debut for the Scorpions in round three of the 2014–15 season against the ACT Meteors.
- Katelyn Fryett
Katelyn Fryett (born 28 May 1992) is an Australian cricketer who plays for Tasmanian Roar and Hobart Hurricanes as a pace bowler.
Born in Launceston and raised in Bracknell, Tasmania, Fryett played backyard cricket with her brother Brad, and would bowl to him a lot.
- Katelyn Tucker
Katelyn Tucker (born 26 February 1993) is an Australian professional women's soccer player.
- Katelyn Gray
Katelyn Gray (born 3 September 1985) is an Australian rower.
- Katelyn Tuohy
Katelyn Tuohy (born March 18, 2002) is an American long distance runner from suburban Rockland County, New York.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Katelyn Numerology: Name Katelyn has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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