What does the name Kaspar mean? What is the meaning of the name Kaspar?
Meaning of Kaspar: Name Kaspar in the Persian, Scandinavian origin, means Kaspar means Treasuer. Name Kaspar is of Persian, Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Kaspar (Namesakes)
- Kaspar Villiger
Kaspar Villiger (pronounced Caspar Feeleeger; born 5 February 1941) is a Swiss businessman, politician and former member of the Swiss Federal Council (1989–2003).
- Kaspar Dalgas
Kaspar Buhl Dalgas (born 11 May 1976) is a former Danish footballer who was the joint top scorer of the Danish Superliga 2001-02 season with 22 goals in 31 games.
- Kaspars Kambala
Kaspars Kambala (born December 13, 1978) is a Latvian professional basketball player, currently for BK Jūrmala, and a former professional boxer.
- Danny Kaspar
Daniel Joseph Kaspar (born November 16, 1954) is an American college basketball coach and the current head coach of Texas State University's men's basketball team.
- Kaspar Rostrup
Kaspar Rostrup (born 27 April 1940) is a Danish film director.
- Kaspar Capparoni
Gaspare "Kaspar" Capparoni (born 1 August 1964) is an Italian actor.
- Kaspar Taimsoo
Kaspar Taimsoo (born 30 April 1987) is an Estonian rower.
- Kaspars Ozers
Kaspars Ozers (born 15 September 1968, in Tukums) is a former Latvian professional cyclist who had a brief professional career during the 1990s.
- Kaspars Znotiņš
Kaspars Znotiņš (born 7 October 1975) is a Latvian stage and film actor.
- Kaspar Flütsch
Kaspar Flütsch (born 20 June 1986 in Luzein) is a Swiss alpine snowboarder.
- Kaspar Treier
Kaspar Treier (born 19 September 1999) is an Estonian professional basketball player for Felice Scandone of the Lega Basket Serie A (LBA).
- Kaspar Karampetian
Kaspar Karampetian (Armenian: Գասպար Կարապետյան, January 29, 1948, Athens, Greece) is the President of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy, an Armenian politician and public figure.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Kaspar Numerology: Name Kaspar has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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