What does the name Kasia mean? What is the meaning of the name Kasia
Meaning of Kasia: Name Kasia in the Greek origin, means Kasia means Bright, Pure. Name Kasia is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kasia are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Kasia (Namesakes)
- Kasia Stankiewicz
Kasia Stankiewicz (born 2 June 1977, Działdowo, Poland) is a Polish pop singer.
- Kasia Nosowska
Katarzyna (Kasia) Nosowska (born August 30, 1971, Szczecin) is the lead singer of the Polish rock band Hey.
- Kasia Kowalska
Katarzyna Kowalska, best known as Kasia Kowalska (Polish pronunciation: [ˈkaɕa kɔˈvalska]; born June 13, 1973 in Sulejówek, Poland) is a Polish rock singer, songwriter, producer, and actress.
- Kasia Cerekwicka
Kasia Cerekwicka (born Katarzyna Cerekwicka 17 March 1980 in Koszalin, Poland) is a Polish pop singer.
- Kasia Struss
Katarzyna Strusińska, (born 23 November 1987 in Ciechanów, Poland), known professionally as Kasia Struss, is a Polish model.
- Kasia Wilk
Katarzyna Wilk (born 3 January 1982 in Lubin, Poland) is a Polish contemporary rhythm and blues singer, more commonly known as Kasia Wilk.
- Kasia Haddad
Kasia Haddad (born 1 May 1979) is a British actress.
- Kasia Smutniak
Katarzyna Anna "Kasia" Smutniak (Polish pronunciation: [ˈkaɕa ˈsmutɲak]; born 13 August 1979) is a Polish actress and model.
- Kasia Popowska
Katarzyna Milena Popowska (born 25 November 1989, Łódź) also known as Kasia Popowska and PoppySinger is a Polish singer and a self-taught guitarist.
- Kasia Adamik
Katarzyna Adamik, also known as Kasia Adamik (born 28 December 1972), is a Polish film director, visual arts artist and storyboard artist.
- Kasia Lipka
Katarzyna Mary "Kasia" Lipka (born 26 May 1993) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for Sheffield United in the FA Women's Championship.
- Kasia Moś
Katarzyna "Kasia" Moś (Polish pronunciation: [kataˈʐɨna ˈkaɕa ˈmɔɕ]; born 3 March 1987) is a Polish singer, songwriter, and dancer.
- Kasia Babis
Katarzyna Monika (Kasia) Babis (born 20 December 1992 in Lublin) is a Polish author of comic books, cartoonist, illustrator, painter, author of children's books and political activist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Kasia Numerology: Name Kasia has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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