What does the name Karolina mean? What is the meaning of the name Karolina
Meaning of Karolina: Name Karolina in the French, Czech origin, means Karolina means Tiny and Feminine. Name Karolina is of French, Czech origin and is a Girl name. People with name Karolina are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Karolina: Karolina means Tiny and Feminine
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Famous people with name Karolina (Namesakes)
- Karolina Wydra
Karolina Wydra (Polish pronunciation: [karɔˈlina vɨdra]; born March 5, 1981) is a Polish-American actress and model.
- Karolina Kowalkiewicz
Karolina Kowalkiewicz (born 15 October 1985) is a Polish mixed martial artist.
- Karolina Michalczuk
Karolina Anna Michalczuk (born 6 December 1979) is a world champion boxer, and twice European champion.
- Karolina Gočeva
Karolina Gočeva, often credited as Karolina Gocheva (Macedonian: Каролина Гочева, [ karɔˈlina ˈɡɔtʃɛva] (listen); born 28 April 1980), is a Macedonian recording artist.
- Karolina Šprem
Karolina Šprem Baghdatis (born 25 October 1984) is a retired professional tennis player from Croatia.
- Karolina Gruszka
Karolina Gruszka (born 13 July 1980) is a Polish film actress.
- Karolina Kaczorowska
Karolina Kaczorowska (maiden name Mariampolska) (born September 26, 1930 in Stanisławów) is the widow of Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Republic of Poland in exile, and thus the last emigree First Lady (1989-1990).
- Karolina Sevastyanova
Karolina Andreyevna Sevastyanova (Russian: Каролина Андреевна Севастьянова; born 25 April 1995) is a Russian group rhythmic gymnast.
- Karolina Lassbo
Karolina Charlotte Lassbo (born 31 March 1980) is a Swedish blogger, internet personality and lawyer.
- Karolina Kołeczek
Karolina Kołeczek (born 15 January 1993 in Sandomierz) is a Polish athlete specialising in the 100 metres hurdles.
- Karolina Ramqvist
Annika "Karolina" Virtanen Ramqvist (born 8 November 1976) is a prominent Swedish journalist and best-selling author.
Ramqvist's novels explore "contemporary issues of sexuality, commercialization, isolation and belonging".
- Karolina Skog
Karolina Maria Skog (born Algotsson on 30 March 1976) is a Swedish politician who served as Minister for the Environment from 25 May 2016 to 21 January 2019.
- Karolina Goliat
Karolina Goliat (born (1996-10-25)25 October 1996) is a Belgian female volleyball player.
- Karolina Pahlitzsch
Karolina Pahlitzsch (born 5 April 1994) is a German athlete.
- Karolina Jensen
Karolina Legaard Jensen (born May 8, 2003) is a Danish female curler from Kastrup.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Karolina Numerology: Name Karolina has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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