What does the name Karine mean? What is the meaning of the name Karine
Meaning of Karine: Name Karine in the Latin, Russian origin, means Karine means Beloved Friend. Name Karine is of Latin, Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Karine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Karine (Namesakes)
- Karine Rambault
Karine Rambault (born 5 April 1971) is a French judoka.
- Karine Charlier
Karine Charlier (born 22 April 1977) is a French gymnast.
- Karine Polwart
Karine Polwart (born 23 December 1970) is a Scottish singer-songwriter.
- Karine Icher
Karine Icher (born 26 January 1979) is a French professional golfer who plays mainly on the U.S.-based LPGA Tour and is also a member of the Ladies European Tour.
- Karine Haaland
Karine Haaland (born 29 August 1966 in Bergen) is a Norwegian comic strip creator, animator and illustrator, known for the comic strip Piray.
- Karine Vanasse
Karine Vanasse (born 24 November 1983) is a Canadian actress, who had roles in the films Polytechnique, Séraphin: Heart of Stone, Switch and Set Me Free (Emporte-moi).
- Karine Legault
Karine Legault (born August 4, 1978) is a former freestyle swimmer who competed for Canada at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
- Karine Laurent Philippot
Karine Laurent Philippot (born October 29, 1974 in Mulhouse as Karine Philippot) is a French cross-country skier and non-commissioned officer who has competed since 1994.
- Karine Brémond
Karine Brémond (born 17 June 1975) is a retired French swimmer who won a bronze medal in the 200 m breaststroke at the 2000 European Aquatics Championships.
- Karine Vallières
Karine Vallières (born 19 March 1978) is a member of the National Assembly of Quebec for the riding of Richmond, first elected in the 2012 election.
- Karine Ferri
Karine Ferri (born 25 April 1982) is a French television presenter and model.
- Karine Thomas
Karine Thomas (born January 14, 1989) was a Canadian synchronized swimmer.
- Karine Schuler
Karine Schuler (born 29 November 1968) is a former synchronized swimmer from France.
- Karine Berger
Karine Berger (born 11 March 1973) is a French politician, member of the French National Assembly representing Hautes-Alpes between 2012 and 2017.
- Karine de Ménonville
Karine de Ménonville (born 5 October 1972) is a French journalist and television presenter.
- Karine Nahon
Karine Nahon (Hebrew: קרין נהון; born December 6, 1972) is an Israeli information scientist in the area of information, technology and society.
- Karine Claireaux
Karine Claireaux (born 15 November 1963) was a member of the Senate of France.
- Karine Teles
Karine Teles (born August 16, 1978) is a Brazilian actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Karine Numerology: Name Karine has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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