What does the name Karin mean? What is the meaning of the name Karin
Meaning of Karin: Name Karin in the Nordic, Scandinavian origin, means Karin means Pure. Name Karin is of Nordic, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Karin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Karin (Namesakes)
- Karin Frick
Karin Anna Maria Frick (born 24 March 1980) is a Swedish sports journalist and television presenter at Kanal 5 and TV4.
- Karin Schubert
Karin Schubert (born 26 November 1944) is a German actress.
- Karin Slaughter
Karin Slaughter is an American crime writer.
- Karin Argoud
Karin Maria Argoud (born November 8, 1960) is an American actress.
- Karin Dreijer
Karin Elisabeth Dreijer (born 7 April 1975) is a Swedish singer-songwriter and record producer.
- Karin Taylor
Karin Katherine Taylor (born November 28, 1971 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a former international fashion model, known as Playboy magazine's June 1996 Playmate of the Month.
- Karin Kortje
Karin Kortje (born 12 August 1980) is the winner of the third season of Idols in South Africa.
After announcing the winner on 27 November 2005, M-Net released the voting results for the top 12.
- Karin Fossum
Karin Fossum (born 6 November 1954) is a Norwegian author of crime fiction, often referred to as the "Norwegian queen of crime".
- Maya Karin
Maya Karin Roelcke (born 29 October 1979) is a Malaysian film actress, television host, and singer.
- Karin Falck
Anna Karin Margareta Falck (née Edström, born 6 February 1932 in Säffle) is a Swedish director, hostess and television-producer.
- Karin Viard
Karin Viard (French: [ka.ʁin vjaʁ]; born 24 January 1966) is a multi-award-winning French actress.
- Karin Park
Karin Maria Erika Park (born 6 September 1978), is a Swedish-Norwegian singer, songwriter, and producer.
- Karin Housley
Karin Housley (born January 20, 1964) is a Minnesota politician, businesswoman, and member of the Minnesota Senate.
- Karin Amatmoekrim
Karin Amatmoekrim (born 25 December 1976) is a Surinamese writer.
- Karin Miyamoto
Karin Miyamoto (宮本佳林, Miyamoto Karin, born December 1, 1998 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese idol singer, a member of Juice=Juice, an all-female pop group within Hello!
- Karin Smyth
Karin Marguerite Smyth (born 8 September 1964) is a British Labour Party politician.
- Karin Rask
Karin Rask (until 2005, Karin Lätsim; born 21 April 1979) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress, theatre teacher and clothing designer.
- Karin Majtánová
Karin Majtánová (born 1 March 1974) is a Slovak television presenter, model and actress.
- Karin Karlsbro
Karin Sonja Charlotta Karlsbro (born 23 September 1970) is a Swedish politician of the Liberals.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Karin Numerology: Name Karin has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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