What does the name Karel mean? What is the meaning of the name Karel
Meaning of Karel: Name Karel in the French, Slavic, Czech, Dutch origin, means Karel name means Strong, Manly, Masculine. Name Karel is of French, Slavic, Czech, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Karel are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Karel (Namesakes)
- Karel Janák
Karel Janák (born 24 September 1970) is a Czech director.
- Karel Poborský
Karel Poborský (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkarɛl ˈpoborskiː] (listen); born 30 March 1972) is a Czech former professional footballer who played as a right winger.
- Karel Roden
Karel Roden (born 18 May 1962) is a Czech actor, popularly known for his roles in Hellboy and The Bourne Supremacy, and his voice work in Grand Theft Auto IV.
- Karel Urbánek
Karel Urbánek (born 22 March 1941 in Bojkovice, Moravia) is a retired Czech politician.
- Karel Plíhal
Karel Plíhal (born August 23, 1958 in Přerov) is a Czech folk and jazz musician, singer, songwriter and record producer.
- Karel Brückner
Karel Brückner (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkarɛl ˈbrɪknɛr]; born 13 November 1939) is a Czech retired football coach.
- Karel Rada
Karel Rada (born 2 March 1971) is a Czech former professional football defender.
- Karel Marquez
Karla Ysabel Marquez-Santos (born December 21, 1982; Manila, Philippines), professionally known as Karel Marquez-Santos, is a Filipino actress, model, singer, and TV host who's currently signed under manager, Becky Aguila since July 2017.
- Karel Štefl
Karel Štefl (born 27 February 1982 in Slaný) is a Czech pair skater.
- Karel Kratochvíl
Karel Kratochvíl (born 8 June 1982) is a Czech footballer currently playing for FK Kolín.
- Karel Hromas
Karel Hromas (born January 27, 1986) is a Czech professional ice hockey left winger who is currently a free agent.
- Karel Heřmánek
Karel Heřmánek (born 17 October 1947 in Prague) is a Czech actor.
- Karel Vosátka
Karel Vosátka (born November 20, 1929) is a former pair skater who competed for Czechoslovakia.
- Karel Knesl
Karel Knesl (born 8 April 1942 in Pustiměř) is a Czech former football player who competed in the 1964 Summer Olympics.
- Karel Nepomucký
- Karel Janeček
Karel Janeček (born 26 July 1973 at Plzeň, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech mathematician, entrepreneur, anti-corruption campaigner and author of voting system Janecek Method (D21) and online game Prezident 21.
- Karel Kubeška
Karel Kubeška (born June 17, 1955) is a Czech curler and curling coach.
He was a vice-president of European Curling Federation in 2010-2014.
- Karel Eykman
- Karel Espino
Karel Aldair Espino Contreras, known as Karel Espino (born 27 October 2001) is a Cuban football player.
- Karel Voolaid
Karel Voolaid (born 4 July 1977) is an Estonian football manager and former player.
Do you know any famous people named Karel, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Karel Numerology: Name Karel has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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