What does the name Kani mean? What is the meaning of the name Kani
Meaning of Kani: Name Kani in the Hawaiian origin, means Sound. Name Kani is of Hawaiian origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Kani (Namesakes)
- Masataka Kani
- Peter Kanis
- John Kani
Bonisile John Kani (born 30 August 1943) is a South African actor, director, and playwright.
- Kani Kauahi
Daniel Kani Kauahi (born September 6, 1959) is the assistant head coach for the Arizona Rattlers in the Indoor Football League (AFL).
- Kanimozhi
Muthuvel Karunanidhi Kanimozhi (born 5 January 1968) is an Indian politician, poet and journalist.
- Atandwa Kani
Atandwa Kani (born June 6, 1984) is a South African actor, and the son of South African veteran actor John Kani.
- Samuthirakani
Samuthirakani (born 26 April 1973) is an Indian film actor and director who predominantly works in the Tamil film industry besides appearing in a number of Malayalam and Telugu films.
- Jennifer Kanis
Jennifer Kanis (born 16 April 1970) is an Australian politician.
- Kani Kouyaté
Kani Kouyaté (born August 8, 1990) is an Ivorian female professional basketball player.
- Serena Kani
Serena Kani (born 7 September 1999) is an Indonesian badminton player.
- Kani Kusruti
Kani Kusruti (born 12 September 1985) is an Indian actress and model.
- Amber Kani
Amber Kani is a New Zealand international rugby league player.
- Navaskani
Navas kani is an Indian politician and a member of parliament to the 17th Lok Sabha from Ramanathapuram Lok Sabha constituency, Tamil Nadu.
- Kani Konté
Kani Konté (born 13 April 1989) is a Malian international footballer who plays as a defender for the Mali women's national football team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Kani Numerology: Name Kani has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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